
Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order further amends the Motor Vehicles (Authorisation of Special Types) General Order 1979, “the 1979 Order”, as follows.

1.  The restrictions on weight under which heavy vehicles in “Category 1” (the Categories are defined in article 18(1A)(b)(i) of the 1979 Order) have to operate are amended as follows.

(a)Regulation 79 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 S.I. 1986/1078 (maximum permitted weights for certain closely-spaced axles) shall apply in the case of vehicles with two or three closely spaced axles.

(b)Provision is made so that semi-trailers with four closely-spaced axles may be used.

2.  An error in article 18(2)(p) is corrected.

3.  The braking conditions for heavy vehicles in “Category 2” or “Category 3” manufactured on or after 1st October 1989 are amended as follows.

(a)The reference to “tests” in article 18(2)(r)(i) is amended to refer specifically to “Type O Tests” (ordinary performance tests with brakes cold) conducted in accordance with Council Directive 71/320/EEC as amended (“the amended Directive”).

(b)In relation to Type O tests–

(i)the percentage of the force corresponding to the maximum mass borne by the wheels of a stationary trailer in a combination of vehicles in Category 3 is reduced from 45 or 50 to 30;

(ii)the test speed for trailers in a combination of vehicles in Category 3 is reduced from 60 km/h to 48 km/h; and

(iii)for drawing vehicles in category N3 in the amended Directive (goods vehicles with a maximum weight exceeding 12 metric tonnes) designed and constructed for use with a semi-trailer in a combination of vehicles in Category 3, the requirements in the amended Directive determining the performance of service braking devices and secondary braking devices are modified.

(c)If wheel chocks are provided which are capable when used in conjunction with parking brakes of holding the vehicle stationary when loaded to its maximum mass on a 12% gradient, the requirements of the amended Directive on parking braking devices shall not apply.

(d)The phrase “laden weight of a vehicle” in article 18(2)(r)(i) is amended to refer to “laden vehicle”, the expression used in the amended Directive. Additionally the meaning of “laden vehicle” is modified for the purposes of Type I tests (as specified in the amended Directive) on vehicles designed and constructed for use in a combination of vehicles in Category 3.

(e)Certain requirements relating to anti-lock devices in Annex I of the amended Directive are disapplied.

The list of EEC Directives in article 18(2)(r) is updated. Copies of those EEC Directives can be obtained from Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.