The Merchant Shipping (Ministry of Defence Ships) Order 1989

Regulations for Registry

4.  An application for registry of a Ministry of Defence ship shall be made in writing under the hand of an Under Secretary of State of the Ministry of Defence to a registrar of British ships. Such application shall contain the following particulars–

(a)a statement of the name and description of the ship;

(b)a statement of the time when and the place where the ship was built; or, if the ship was foreign built and the time and place of building are unknown, a statement to that effect and of her foreign name;

(c)a statement of the nature of the title to the said ship, whether by original construction by or for the Ministry of Defence, or by purchase, capture, condemnation, or otherwise, and a list of the documents of title, if any, in case she was not originally constructed by or for the Ministry of Defence.