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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1989 numbered between 2000 and 2099 has returned 48 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Contamination of Feeding Stuff) (Wales) Order 19891989 No. 2056UK Statutory Instruments
    The Education (Designated Institutions) (Amendment) Order 19891989 No. 2055UK Statutory Instruments
    The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Contamination of Feeding Stuff) (England) Amendment Order 19891989 No. 2054UK Statutory Instruments
    The Movement of Animals (Records) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 19891989 No. 2053UK Statutory Instruments
    The National Savings Stock Register (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 19891989 No. 2046UK Statutory Instruments
    The National Savings Bank (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 19891989 No. 2045UK Statutory Instruments
    The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Contamination of Feeding Stuff) (England) Order 19891989 No. 2038UK Statutory Instruments
    The Education (Areas to which Pupils and Students Belong) Regulations 19891989 No. 2037UK Statutory Instruments
    The Boston Harbour Revision Order 19891989 No. 2036UK Statutory Instruments
    The Public Telecommunication System Designation (Lancashire Cable Television Limited) Order 19891989 No. 2035UK Statutory Instruments
    The Public Telecommunication System Designation (Merseyside Cablevision Limited) Order 19891989 No. 2034UK Statutory Instruments
    The Renfrew and Cunninghame Districts (Caldwell House Estate) Boundaries Amendment Order 19891989 No. 2021 (S. 140)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Water Reorganisation (Nominated Holding Companies) (Extinguishment of Loans) Order 19891989 No. 2018UK Statutory Instruments
    The Water Reorganisation (Capital Allowances) Order 19891989 No. 2017UK Statutory Instruments
    The Passenger and Goods Vehicles (Recording Equipment) (Approval of Fitters and Workshops) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 19891989 No. 2016UK Statutory Instruments
    The Sea Fish Licensing Order 19891989 No. 2015UK Statutory Instruments
    The Feeding Stuffs (Amendment) Regulations 19891989 No. 2014UK Statutory Instruments
    The Bristol Development Corporation (Vesting of Land) (British Railways Board) Order 19891989 No. 2011UK Statutory Instruments
    The A406 Trunk Road (South Woodford to Barking Relief Road, Redbridge, Newham, Barking and Dagenham) (Prescribed Routes) Order 19891989 No. 2010UK Statutory Instruments
    The Financial Services (Disclosure of Information) (Designated Authorities) (No. 6) Order 19891989 No. 2009UK Statutory Instruments

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