Article 7(1)(a)


Product Licence No.Name of Product(1)
PL 1732/4059Astrobot 5
PL 1732/4060Astrobot 10
PL 0010/4063Bayverm Granules 10%
PL 0010/4054Bayverm LV Paste
PL 3636/4015Dio Horse and Pony Wormer Paste
PL 5151/4001Equidin Paste
PL 1745/4005Equigard 5
PL 1745/4006Equigard 10
PL 0829/4043Equilox
PL 3832/4012Equitac
PL 0829/4044Equivurm Plus
PL 0829/4058Equivurm Plus Paste
PL 0829/4043Equivurm Syringe
PL 0025/4027Equizole Pony Paste
PL 0025/4005Equizole Powder
PL 0025/4042Equvalan Paste for Horses
PL 0844/4055Multiwurma (Horses)
PL 0086/4107Panacur 22% Granules
PL 0086/4119Panacur Paste
PL 0086/4106Panacur 10% Suspension
PL 1599/4001Ruby Horse Wormer
PL 1447/4094Rycovet Horse and Pony Wormer Paste

Alternative product names used by specially authorised persons are not shown.