Articles 2, 4 and 5


The area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the regional boundary grid reference NT 4109 5609 on the north side of the access road to property known as Brothershiels thence eastwards along the north side of the said access road to a point at the south-east corner of a farm out-building grid reference NT 4198 5594; then northwards along the west side of a farm track to a point grid reference NT 4197 5600; then eastwards across that track, and thereafter by fence line and wall, continuing eastwards, southwards and again eastwards to a point on a wall running alongside the Brothershiels Burn grid reference NT 4219 5597; then generally northeastwards along the wall to a point grid reference NT 4330 5731; then continuing northeastwards by fence line to a point grid reference NT 4388 5776; then southeastwards by fence line to a point on the north side of the B6368 Road grid reference NT 4450 5731; then northeastwards along the west side of the B6368 Road to its junction with the A68 trunk road; thereafter in a straight line across the trunk road to a point on its northern boundary grid reference NT 4556 5932; then northeastwards, then southeastwards along the eastern boundary of the trunk road to rejoin the regional boundary at a point grid reference NT 4697 5869; then generally southwestwards, then northwards along the regional boundary to the point of commencement.