The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) Order 1989

g.  The area of land within Kyle and Carrick District comprising that part of the Parish of Straiton bounded as follows:—

On the north from the point national grid reference NS403059 continuing in an easterly direction along the southern boundary of the Lambdoughty Hill Plantation to the point national grid reference NS416062; then generally in a south-easterly direction by the Lambdoughty Burn and continuing in a south-easterly direction over the summit of Turgeny to the north-western corner of the Auldcraigoch Hill Plantation; then following the western boundary of said plantation to its western corner and continuing in a westerly direction to where the Chapel Burn runs into Baing Loch; then generally in a north-westerly direction to the point national grid reference NS410048 and continuing in a north-westerly direction by the watercourse to the point national grid reference NS403059.