2.Strathclyde Region

a.  The area of land within Cumnock and Doon Valley District comprising that part of the Parishes of Dalmellington and Coylton bounded as follows:—

On the north from the point where the Burnhead Burn meets the boundary between the Parishes of Dalrymple and Dalmellington and running in a north-easterly direction by the said Burn and Parish boundary until the point where the boundaries of the Parishes of Dalrymple, Dalmellington and Coylton meet; and then in a northerly direction along the boundary between the Parishes of Dalrymple and Coylton to the point national grid reference NS458114; and then in a north-easterly direction until the western corner of the Kyle Forest Plantation; and then generally in a southerly direction following the western boundary of the said Plantation to the point national grid reference NS480094; and then generally in a south-westerly and south-south-westerly direction to the point where the path meets the unmetalled road at spot height 287; and then in a north-westerly direction along the said unmetalled road until it meets the Dunaskin Burn; and then in a westerly direction along the said Burn to the Castle at the point national grid reference NS450089; then in a north-easterly direction to where the path crosses the Burnhead Burn at the point national grid reference NS455092; and then following the said Burn in a northerly direction until the point where it meets the boundaries between the Parishes of Dalrymple and Dalmellington.