
Statutory Instruments

1989 No. 375


The General Optical Council (Contact Lens (Qualifications etc.) (Amendment) Rules) Order of Council 1989


7th March 1989

Laid before Parliament

10th March 1989

Coming into force

1st April 1989

At the Council Chamber, Whitehall, the 7th day of March 1989

By the Lords of Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council

Whereas in pursuance of sections 25(1)(e), 25(3A) and 25(4) of the Opticians Act 1958(1) the General Optical Council have made the Contact Lens (Qualifications etc.) (Amendment) Rules 1989 as set out in the Schedule to this Order:

And whereas by section 25(5) of the said Act such Rules shall not come into force until approved by Order of the Privy Council:

Now, therefore, Their Lordships having taken the said Rules into consideration, are hereby pleased to approve the same.

This Order may be cited as the General Optical Council (Contact Lens (Qualifications etc.) (Amendment) Rules) Order of Council 1989, and shall come into force on 1st April 1989.

G.I. de Deney

Clerk of the Privy Council


The General Optical Council, in exercise of their powers under sections 25(1)(e), 25(3A) and 25(4) of the Opticians Act 1958, hereby make the following Rules:–

1.  These Rules may be cited as the Contact Lens (Qualifications etc.) (Amendment) Rules 1989.

2.  The Contact Lens (Qualifications etc.) Rules 1988 (scheduled to the General Optical Council (Contact Lens (Qualifications etc.) Rules) Order of Council 1988(2) shall be amended by the addition to Section B of Appendix A to the Rules of the following:–

Contact Lens Certificate of the Association of British Dispensing ChemistsFBDO(CL)
Contact Lens Practice (Supplementary) Qualification of the British College of Optometrists:
  • For persons who are Members of the College

  • For persons who are Fellows of the College


3.  These Rules shall come into operation on the 1st day of April, 1989.

Sealed on the 8th day of December 1988.

Attested by:

Philip J. Cox

Member of Council


George D. Miller

Member of Council

Richard D. Wilshin


Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

The Rules approved by this Order add certain qualifications of the Association of British Dispensing Opticians and of the British College of Optometrists to the list of approved qualifications in Appendix A to the General Optical Council Contact Lens (Qualifications etc.) Rules 1988 (approved by S.I. 1988/1305), which regulate the fitting of contact lenses by registered opticians.


1958 c. 32; section 25(3A) was inserted by the Health and Social Security Act 1984 (c. 48), section 2(2).


S.I. 1988/1305.