The Community Charges (Administration and Enforcement) Regulations 1989

Inspection of the register by chargeable persons

10.—(1) A person shown in a charging authority’s register as subject at any time to a community charge of the authority may, at a reasonable place and time stated by the registration officer, inspect the item contained in the register in relation to the charge.

(2) If such a person requests the registration officer to supply a copy of such an item, the officer shall supply the copy to the person; but the authority may require a reasonable charge in respect of the supply of the copy, and if it does so the duty to supply it shall not arise unless the person pays the charge.

(3) If the register is not kept in documentary form, the duty to make an item available for inspection or to supply a copy of an item is satisfied if a print-out, photographic image or other reproduction of the item which has been obtained from the storage medium adopted in relation to the register is made available for inspection or is supplied (as the case may be).