Demand notices: personal and standard community charges16


This regulation applies to demand notices served with respect to a personal or standard community charge.


If the demand notice is issued before or during the relevant year and the chargeable person is shown in the charging authority’s community charges register as subject to the charge on the day on which the notice is issued, the notice shall require payment of the amount specified in paragraph (3).


The amount is the charging authority’s estimate of the amount that the person will be liable to pay in respect of the charge as it has effect for the relevant year, made as respects periods in the year after the issue of the notice on the following assumptions–


that the person will be subject to the community charge to which the notice relates on every day after the issue of the notice;


if he is shown in the register as undertaking a full-time course of education on the day the notice is issued, that he will undertake such a course on every day after the issue of the notice;


if the notice is issued with respect to a standard community charge, that the property by virtue of which he is shown in the register as subject to the charge will on every day after the issue of the notice be in the class specified in regulation 62 in which it is shown in the register as falling on the day the notice is issued; and


if on the day the notice is issued a notification as to a community charge benefit to which he is entitled is in force under regulations made under section 31C(1) of the Social Security Act 19863, and by virtue of regulations made under section 31A(1) of that Act the benefit allowed under that notification takes the form of a reduction in the amount the person is liable to pay in respect of the charge as it has effect with respect to that day, that on every day after that day he will be allowed the same reduction in that amount.


If the demand notice is issued during the relevant year and if the chargeable person is not shown in the authority’s register as subject to the charge on the day on which the notice is issued, the demand notice is to require payment of an amount equal to the person’s liability in respect of the charge as it has effect for the period in the year up to the day on which he is last shown as ceasing to be subject to the charge.


If a notice is served to which paragraph (4) applies, and after the person has been shown as ceasing to be subject to the charge he is subsequently shown as becoming subject again to the same charge in the year, a further notice shall be served on the chargeable person requiring payments in respect of the charge as it has effect for the period in the year after he is shown as becoming so subject; and regulations 15 to 17, 19 and 20 (and, so far as applicable, Schedule 1) shall apply to the further notice with respect to that period, and the sum payable by the chargeable person with respect to that period, as if it were a demand notice given in relation to a different charge.


If the demand notice is issued after the end of the relevant year, it shall require payment of the amount for which the chargeable person is liable in respect of the charge as it has effect for the year.


If, after a demand notice to which paragraph (2) applies has been issued with respect to a standard community charge, an authority varies under section 40(6) of the Act a standard community charge multiplier as it applies to the property in relation to which the charge arises so that the estimate mentioned in paragraph (3) turns out to be wrong, the notice shall have no effect; and if the multiplier for the year is varied to other than 0 the charging authority shall as soon as practicable issue a fresh demand notice with respect to the charge.