
Statutory Instruments

1989 No. 46


The Education (Inner London Education Authority) (Transitional and Supplementary Provisions) Order 1989


13th January 1989

Laid before Parliament

16th January 1989

Coming into force

6th February 1989

The Secretary of State for Education and Science, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 231(2) to (5) of the Education Reform Act 1988(1) hereby makes the following Order:

1.  This Order may be cited as the Education (Inner London Education Authority) (Transitional and Supplementary Provisions) Order 1989 and comes into force on 6th February 1989.

2.  In this Order–

“the Act” means the Education Reform Act 1988; and

“the commencement date” means 6th February 1989.

3.  In preparation for the exercise of the powers to be transferred to the inner London councils on the abolition date–

(1) Subject to paragraph (3), the provisions listed in column 1 of the Schedule to this Order (which relate to the matters mentioned in column 2 thereof) shall apply in relation to each inner London council from the 1st September 1989 as if that council were the local education authority for its area.

(2) Section 23(1) of the Act shall apply (with the substitution of the words “1st April 1990” for the words “1st September 1989”) to each inner London council from the commencement date as if that council were the local education authority for its area.

(3) Any duty imposed on a local education authority by section 11 of the Act shall not apply to the Common Council of the City of London and shall cease to apply to the Inner London Education Authority on the commencement date.

(4) Any duty imposed on a local education authority by section 23(1) of the Act shall cease to apply to the Inner London Education Authority on the commencement date.


ProvisionSubject matter of the provision
Section 11 of the ActStanding advisory councils on religious education.
Section 13 of the ActAdvisory councils: supplementary provisions.
Section 29(1) of, and Schedule 5 to, the Education Act 1944(2)Provisions as to religious education in accordance with agreed syllabus and procedure for bringing into operation an agreed syllabus of religious education.

Kenneth Baker

Secretary of State for Education and Science

13th January 1989

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order makes transitional and supplementary provisions to facilitate the transfer of education responsibilities from the Inner London Education Authority (“ILEA”) to the inner London councils on 1st April 1990. First, it provides for the inner London councils (as defined in section 163(2) of the Education Reform Act 1988) to take preparatory steps by appointing standing advisory councils on religious education in advance of the transfer and by making arrangements, after consultation, for considering complaints made on or after 1st April 1990 about the curriculum and religious worship. Secondly, it relieves ILEA, in the period before abolition, of the obligation to establish such a council and from the duty to make such arrangements. It also relieves the Common Council of the City of London from the duty to establish a standing advisory council on religious education.


1944 c. 31; section 29(1) and Schedule 5 are amended by paragraphs 4(a) and 7 of Schedule 1 to the Education Reform Act 1988.