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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1990 numbered between 1100 and 1199 has returned 67 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Public Telecommunication System Designation (Videotron London Limited) (Wandsworth) Order 19901990 No. 1172UK Statutory Instruments
    The Public Telecommunication System Designation (Videotron London Limited) (Lambeth and Southwark) Order 19901990 No. 1171UK Statutory Instruments
    The Home-Grown Cereals Authority (Rate of Levy) Order 19901990 No. 1170UK Statutory Instruments
    The Pleasure Craft (Arrival and Report) Regulations 19901990 No. 1169UK Statutory Instruments
    The Income Support (General) Amendment No. 2 Regulations 19901990 No. 1168UK Statutory Instruments
    The Highland Regional Council (River Einig, Oykel Bridge) Water Order 19901990 No. 1165 (S. 134)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 19901990 No. 1163UK Statutory Instruments
    The London-Portsmouth Trunk Road A3 (Liphook-Ham Barn Section Slip Roads) (Part 1) Order 1988, Amendment Order 19901990 No. 1162UK Statutory Instruments
    The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Wales) (No. 5) Amendment No. 2 Order 19901990 No. 1161UK Statutory Instruments
    The Insurance Companies (Legal Expenses Insurance) (Application for Authorisation) Regulations 19901990 No. 1160UK Statutory Instruments
    The Insurance Companies (Legal Expenses Insurance) Regulations 19901990 No. 1159UK Statutory Instruments
    The National Dock Labour Board (Date of Dissolution) Order 19901990 No. 1158 (C. 33)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Sea Fisheries Districts (Constitution of Committees) (Variation) Order 19901990 No. 1157UK Statutory Instruments
    The Bass (Specified Areas) (Prohibition of Fishing) Order 19901990 No. 1156UK Statutory Instruments
    The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) Amendment (No. 2) Order 19901990 No. 1155UK Statutory Instruments
    The Town and Country Planning (Listed Buildings in Wales and Buildings in Conservation Areas in Wales) (Welsh Forms) Regulations 19901990 No. 1147UK Statutory Instruments
    The Company Auditors (Examinations) Regulations 19901990 No. 1146UK Statutory Instruments
    The Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Commencement No. 11) Order 19901990 No. 1145 (C. 32)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Personal and Occupational Pension Schemes (Perpetuities) Regulations 19901990 No. 1143UK Statutory Instruments
    The Personal and Occupational Pension Schemes (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 2) Regulations 19901990 No. 1142UK Statutory Instruments

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