Lairages for horses

28.  The occupier shall ensure that–

(a)the lairage in which horses are confined before slaughter–

(i)is divided into pens or stalls by means of permanently fixed partitions; and

(ii)contains at least one loose box,

which pens or stalls and loose box are constructed so as to minimise the danger of any horse injuring itself or any other animal confined in the lairage;

(b)horses confined in the lairage are not caused any injury or unnecessary pain or distress by reason of–

(i)being kept in a pen, stall or loose box which is overcrowded;

(ii)being kept in a pen, stall or loose box with other horses of a different size or age; or

(iii)any other cause;

(c)a horse of one of the following descriptions is kept in a separate pen, stall or loose box from any other horse in the lairage, that is to say —

(i)a stallion,

(ii)a cryptorchid,

(iii)a heavily pregnant female,

(iv)a female with a foal at foot,

(v)a horse whose hind feet are shod; and

(d)a separate room or bay is provided in the slaughterhouse or knacker’s yard to be used for the slaughter of horses.

Slaughter of horses

29.—(1) No person shall in a slaughterhouse or knacker’s yard slaughter a horse in a room or bay in which there are the remains of a horse or other animal, or within the sight of any other horse:

(2) The provisions of this regulation shall not apply in the case of a horse slaughtered in accordance with the provisions of regulation 11.