Religious slaughter of bovines

20.—(1) No person shall slaughter any bovine by the Jewish or Muslim method other than in an upright position in a restraining pen which has been approved by the Secretary of State and which the Secretary of State is satisfied has been installed in such a manner as to ensure that it will operate efficiently, save that in the case of slaughterhouses whic h are in operation at the date of coming into force of these Regulations a casting pen of the Weinberg, Dyne or North British Rotary type or such other type as may have been approved by the Secretary of State under regulation 13 of the Slaughter of Animals (Prevention of Cruelty) (Scotland) Regulations 1955 may continue to be used until the expiry of 2 years from that date.

(2) The Secretary of State may for the purpose of paragraph (1) above give his approval to a restraining pen but shall not do so unless he is satisfied that the pen is of such a size and design, and is able to be operated, so as to protect an animal from injury or unnecessary pain or distress while confined in it or while entering it and, in particular, unless he is satisfied that the pen–

(a)contains an effective means of restraining any animal confined in it (including a suitable head restraint to be used for that purpose); and

(b)contains a means of support which will take the weight of an animal during and following slaughter in it.

Maintenance of restraining pens

21.  The occupier of a slaughterhouse in which there is a restraining pen shall ensure that–

(a)the pen is kept in good working order; and

(b)if it has been modified after it has been approved by the Secretary of State, the pen is not used again until a fresh approval is given.

Handling of animals during slaughter

22.  Any person slaughtering animals by the Jewish or Muslim method shall ensure that–

(a)no animal is placed in a restraining pen unless the person who is to carry out the slaughter is ready to make the incision immediately the animal is placed in the pen;

(b)no animal is shackled or hoisted until the incision has been made and the periods specified in regulation 24 have elapsed and the animal is unconscious; and

(c)in the case of an animal which is not a bovine and is to be slaughtered on a cradle or table, only one animal shall be placed on such cradle or table at any one time.

Method of slaughter

23.  Where animals which are to be slaughtered by the Jewish or Muslim method have not been stunned before slaughter the person carrying out the slaughter shall–

(a)ensure that each animal is slaughtered by the severance, by rapid uninterrupted movements of a knife, of both its carotid arteries and both jugular veins; and

(b)before each animal is slaughtered, inspect the blade of the knife to ensure that it is undamaged and of sufficient size and sharpness to be capable of being used to slaughter the animal in the manner described in sub-paragraph (a) above; and shall ensure that a captive bolt pistol is kept close to the restraining pen for use in case of emergency and immediately used where the animal is suffering unnecessary pain or distress.

Handling of animals after religious slaughter

24.  Where an animal which is being slaughtered by the Jewish or Muslim method has not been stunned the occupier shall ensure that it not be moved until it is unconscious and in any case until the expiry of–

(a)in the case of sheep and goats, 20 seconds; or

(b)in the case of bovines, 30 seconds,

after the severance of the blood vessels in compliance with regulation 23.