(This note is not part of the Scheme)

This Scheme, made under the Plant Varieties and Seeds Act 1964, prescribes the varieties of miscellaneous ornamental plants in respect of which grants of plant breeders' rights may be made and also prescribes the period of 20 years as that during which the rights may be exercised (paragraphs 2and 3and Schedule).

The 1964 Act, as read with this Scheme, provides that infringements of the rights in the registered name of a variety of such specified miscellaneous ornamental plants may be the subject of legal proceedings when committed in connection with a variety of the genera or species which is specified for that purpose in the Schedule to this Scheme (paragraph 4 and Schedule).

This Scheme also provides that a compulsory licence granted by the Controller of Plant Variety Rights in respect of a variety of such specified miscellaneous ornamental plants shall not have effect during a period of 3 years from the date of the grant of rights in that variety (paragraph 5).

Plant breeders' rights in respect of the varieties of Kalanchoe Adans. to which this Scheme applies are extended to the production and propagation of the varieties for the purpose of selling cut blooms of these varieties (paragraph 6).