
Statutory Instruments

1990 No. 2486


The Food Safety Act 1990 (Consequential Modifications) (England and Wales) Order 1990


10th December 1990

Laid before Parliament

11th December 1990

Coming into force

1st January 1991

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Secretary of State for Health and the Secretary of State for Wales, acting jointly, in exercise of the powers conferred on them by sections 4(1), 57(1) and 59(2) of the Food Safety Act 1990(1), and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, hereby make the following Order:—


Title, commencement and interpretation

1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Food Safety Act 1990 (Consequential Modifications) (England and Wales) Order 1990 and shall come into force on 1st January 1991.

(2) Unless the context otherwise requires, any reference in this Order to a Schedule shall be construed as a reference to a Schedule to this Order.


Definition of “the Act”

2.—(1) In the provisions of the Regulations specified in column 3 of Part I of Schedule 1 for the definition of “the Act” there shall be substituted the following definition—

“the Act” means the Food Safety Act 1990;.

(2) In the provisions of the Regulations specified in column 3 of Part II of Schedule 1 there shall be inserted at the appropriate place the following definition—

“the Act” means the Food Safety Act 1990;.

(3) In the Regulations specified in Part II of Schedule 1 for the words “the Food and Drugs Act 1955” and the words “the Food Act 1984”, in each place where they occur, there shall be substituted the words “the Act”.

Definition of “food”

3.  In regulation 2(1) of each of the Regulations specified in Schedule 2 the definition of “food” shall cease to have effect.

Definition of “food authority”

4.—(1) In regulation 2(1) of each of the Regulations specified in Part I of Schedule 3 the definition of “food and drugs authority” shall cease to have effect.

(2) In the Regulations specified in Parts I and II of Schedule 3 for the words “food and drugs authority” in each place where they occur there shall be substituted the words “food authority”.

(3) In regulation 2(1) of each of the Regulations specified in Part I of Schedule 3, and in the provisions of the Regulations specified in column 3 of Part II of Schedule 3, there shall be inserted, at the appropriate place, the following definition—

(4) In regulation 2(1) of each of the Regulations specified in Part I of Schedule 4 the definition of “local authority” shall cease to have effect.

(5) For the words “local authority” in each place where they occur in the Regulations specified in Parts I and II of Schedule 4 there shall be substituted the words “food authority”.

(6) In regulation 2(1) of each of the Regulations specified in Part I of Schedule 4, and in the provisions of the Regulations specified in column 3 of Part II of Schedule 4, there shall be inserted, at the appropriate place, the following definition—


Application of sections of the Food Safety Act

5.—(1) After regulation 2 of the Regulations specified in Schedule 5 there shall be inserted the following regulation—

Application of sections 2, 3, 20, 21, 30(8), 33, 36 and 44 of the Act

2A.  The following provisions of the Act shall apply for the purposes of these Regulations as they apply for the purposes of section 8, 14 or 15 of the Act and unless the context otherwise requires any reference in them to the Act shall be construed as a reference to these Regulations—

(2) The provisions of the Regulations (if any) specified in column 3 of Schedule 5 shall cease to have effect.

(3) After regulation 2 of the Regulations specified in Schedule 6 there shall be inserted the following regulation—

Application of sections 2, 3, 20, 21, 22, 30(8), 33, 36 and 44 of the Act

2A.  The following provisions of the Act shall apply for the purposes of these Regulations as they apply for the purposes of section 8, 14 or 15 of the Act and unless the context otherwise requires any reference in them to the Act shall be construed as a reference to these Regulations—

(4) The provisions of the Regulations specified in column 3 of Schedule 6 shall cease to have effect.

Application of other provisions

6.—(1) For the provisions of the Regulations specified in column 3 of Schedule 7 there shall be substituted the following regulation bearing the same number—

Condemnation of food

Where any food is certified by a food analyst as being food which it is an offence against these Regulations to sell or import that food may be treated for the purposes of section 9 of the Act as failing to comply with food safety requirements and section 8(3) shall apply for the purposes of these Regulations as it applies for the purposes of the Act..

(2) For the provisions of the Regulations specified in column 3 of Schedule 8 there shall be substituted the following provision bearing the same number—

(3) For the provisions of the Regulations specified in column 3 of Schedule 9 there shall be substituted the following paragraph bearing the same number—

Time limits for prosecutions

7.  To the provisions of the Regulations specified in column 3 of Schedule 10 there shall be added at the end the following paragraph numbered sequentially—

No prosecution for an offence under these Regulations which is triable either summarily or on indictment shall be begun after the expiry of—

(a)three years from the commission of the offence; or

(b)one year from its discovery by the prosecutor, whichever is the earlier..


Consequential modifications to the Imported Food Regulations 1984

8.—(1) The Imported Food Regulations 1984(2) shall have effect subject to the following amendments.

(2) In regulation 2 in the definition of “authorised officer” the words after “enforcing authority” to the end of that definition shall cease to have effect.

(3) In regulations 4(6) and 5(5) in the definition of “receiving authority” paragraph (a) shall cease to have effect and for paragraph (b) there shall be substituted the following paragraph—

(b)where that place is in England, Wales or Scotland, a food authority;.

(4) In regulation 6(1)(a) for the words “section 1(1)” there shall be substituted the words “section 7(1)”.

(5) For regulation 7(2) of those Regulations there shall be substituted the following paragraph—

(2) If on such examination being made it appears to an authorised officer that the food is being or has been imported in contravention of regulation 6, that food may be treated for the purposes of section 9 of the Act as failing to comply with food safety requirements and section 8(3) shall apply for the purposes of these Regulations as it applies for the purposes of the Act..

(6) In regulation 8 of those Regulations for the words “section 78” there shall be substituted the words “section 29”, for the words “section 79” there shall be substituted the words “section 30” and the words “food and drugs” shall cease to have effect.

(7) For regulation 23 of those Regulations there shall be substituted the following regulation—


23.  Any disputed question as to the right or amount of any compensation payable under these Regulations shall be determined by arbitration..


Consequential modifications to the Poultry Meat (Water Content) Regulations 1984

9.—(1) The Poultry Meat (Water Content) Regulations 1984(3) shall have effect subject to the following amendments.

(2) In regulation 2, at the appropriate place, there shall be inserted the following definition—

(3) In regulation 4(1)(e) for the words “section 92(1) of the Food and Drugs Act 1955” there shall be substituted the words “section 30(1) of the Act”.

(4) In regulation 8(4) for the words from “Section 93” to “analysis)” there shall be substituted the words “Section 30 of the Act (which contains provisions as to samples taken for analysis), and Regulations made under section 31 of that Act.”.

Consequential modifications to the Meat and Meat Products (Hormonal Substances) Regulations 1989

10.—(1) The Meat and Meat Products (Hormonal Substances) Regulations 1989(4) shall have effect subject to the following amendments.

(2) In regulation 2(1)—

(a)the definition of “the Food Act” shall cease to have effect;

(b)there shall be inserted at the appropriate place the following definition—

“the Act” means the Food Safety Act 1990;;

(c)in the definition of “human consumption” for the words “section 132” there shall be substituted the words “section 53(1)”;

(d)in the definition of “slaughterhouse” for the words “section 132” there shall be substituted the words “section 53(1)”.

(3) For the words “the Food Act”, in each place where they occur, there shall be substituted the words “the Act”.

(4) In regulations 4(4), 15(1) and 17(9) for the words “section 9(1)(b)” there shall be substituted the words “section 9(3)(b)”.

(5) In regulations 4(5), 15(2) and 17(10) for the words “section 9(2) and (3)” there shall be substituted the words “section 9(5) and (6)”.

(6) In regulations 4(4), (5), 15(1), (2) and 17(9) and (10) for the words “unfit for human consumption”, wherever they occur, there shall be substituted the words “failing to comply with food safety requirements”.

(7) In regulation 5(1) for the words “a sampling officer by section 78(2) and (3)” there shall be substituted the words “an authorised officer of an enforcement authority by section 29”.

(8) In regulation 5(3) for the words “section 78” there shall be substituted the words “section 29”.

(9) After regulation 14 there shall be inserted the following provision—


14A.  Any disputed question as to the right or amount of any compensation payable under these Regulations shall be determined by arbitration..


Consequential modifications to the Milk and Dairies (General) Regulations 1959

11.—(1) The Milk and Dairies (General) Regulations 1959(5) shall have effect subject to the following amendments.

(2) In regulation 2(1) there shall be inserted at the appropriate place the following definition—

“cream” means that part of the milk rich in fat which has been separated by skimming or otherwise;.

(3) After regulation 2(2) there shall be inserted the following paragraph—

(3) The provisions of these Regulations which apply in relation to cream, other than provisions relating to the registration of dairymen and dairies, shall also apply in relation to reconstituted cream, that is, a substance which, not being cream, resembles cream in appearance and contains no ingredient not derived from milk, except—

(a)water, or

(b)ingredients (not added fraudulently to increase bulk, weight or measure, or conceal inferior quality) which may lawfully be contained in a substance sold for human consumption as cream..

(4) In regulation 3 after the word “regulations” where it first appears, there shall be inserted the words “10A,”.

(5) After regulation 3 there shall be inserted the following regulation—

3A.  It shall be the duty of the Ministers to enforce these Regulations except as provided in regulation 3 above..

(6) In regulation 5, paragraph (2) shall cease to have effect.

(7) In regulation 8(3) for the words “Part I of the Second Schedule to the Food and Drugs Act 1955” there shall be substituted the words “Part III of the Schedule”.

(8) After regulation 10 there shall be inserted the following regulation—

Sale of milk from diseased cows

10A.(1) A person is guilty of an offence who—

(a)sells, or offers or exposes for sale, for human consumption, or

(b)uses in the manufacture of products for sale for human consumption,

the milk of any cow which he knows or suspects is affected with tuberculosis of the udder or is giving tuberculous milk, or is affected with tuberculous emaciation, or is excreting or discharging tuberculous material, or is affected with a chronic cough and shows clinical signs of tuberculosis or any other disease of cows to which this regulation applies.

(2) In proceedings under this regulation, the defendant shall be deemed to have known that a cow had given tuberculous milk, or was suffering as mentioned above, if he could with ordinary care have ascertained the fact.

(3) The diseases of cows to which this regulation applies are—

(9) For paragraph (7) of regulation 20 there shall be substituted the following paragraph—

(7) Any disputed question as to the right or amount of any compensation payable under these Regulations shall be determined by arbitration..

(10) In the Schedule, for the title to Part I there shall be substituted the following title—

“Constitution of Tribunals”.

(11) In the Schedule after paragraph 12 there shall be added the following Part—


1.  If it appears to an authority by whom dairymen are registered in pursuance of Milk and Dairies Regulations, other than the Minister, that the public health is, or is likely to be, endangered by any act or default of a person who has applied to be, or, is so registered by the authority, being an act or default, committed whether within or without the authority’s district, in relation to the quality, storage or distribution of milk, they may serve on him a notice—

(a)stating the place and time, not being less than 21 days after the date of the service of the notice, at which they propose to take the matter into consideration; and

(b)informing him that he may attend before them, with any witnesses whom he desires to call, at the place and time mentioned, to show cause why they should not, for reasons specified in the notice, refuse to register him or cancel his registration, as the case may be, either generally or in respect of any specified premises.

2.  A person entitled under paragraph 1 of this Part to appear before any authority—

(a)may appear in person or by counsel or a solicitor or any other representative; or

(b)may be accompanied by any person he may wish to assist him in the proceedings.

3.  If a person on whom a notice is served under paragraph 1 of this Part fails to show cause to the authority’s satisfaction, they may refuse to register him or may cancel his registration, as the case may be, and—

(a)shall forthwith give notice to him of their decision in the matter; and

(b)shall, if so required by him within 14 days from the date of their decision, give to him within 48 hours after receiving the requirement, a statement of the grounds of the decision.

4.  A person aggrieved by the decision of an authority under this Part to refuse to register him, or to cancel his registration, may appeal to a magistrates' court.

5.  The court before whom a person registered as a dairyman otherwise than by the Minister is convicted of an offence under any of the provisions of these Regulations, or under any other Milk and Dairies Regulations, may, in addition to any other punishment, cancel his registration as such.

6.  An authority other than the Minister may require a person who applies to them for registration as a dairyman to give to them, before his application is considered, information as to whether he is, or has been, registered as a dairyman, whether by them or the Minister or some other authority, and if an applicant who is so required gives to the authority any information which is false in any material respect, he is guilty of an offence.

7.  Where under this Part a person’s application for registration is refused, or his registration is cancelled, he shall not be liable for any breach of contract for the purchase of further supplies of milk from any person, if the refusal or cancellation was due to the quality of the milk supplied by that person..

Consequential modifications to the Milk and Dairies (Heat Treatment of Cream) Regulations 1983

12.—(1) The Milk and Dairies (Heat Treatment of Cream) Regulations 1983(6) shall have effect subject to the following amendments.

(2) For the definition of “cream” in regulation 2(1) there shall be substituted the following definition—

(3) In regulation 7(2) the words “(subject to the proviso at the end of section 87(3) of the Act)” shall cease to have effect.

(4) Regulation 7(3) shall cease to have effect.

Consequential modifications to the Milk (Special Designation) Regulations 1989

13.—(1) The Milk (Special Designation) Regulations 1989(7) shall have effect subject to the following amendments.

(2) In regulation 2(1)—

(a)there shall be inserted at the appropriate place the following definition—

“catering sale” means a sale of milk, or of things made from milk or of which milk is an ingredient, as, or as part of, a meal or refreshments; and “caterer” means a person who carries on a business which consists of or comprises making such sales;;

(b)in the definition of “licence held by a retailer for a specified area” for the words “Part II of the Act” there shall be substituted the words “regulation 2B”; and

(c)the definition of “specified area” shall cease to have effect.

(3) After regulation 2 there shall be inserted the following Part—


Restrictions on the use of special designations

2A.(1) Subject to paragraph (2) below, no person shall, for the purpose of the sale or advertisement of any milk, use a special designation in any manner calculated to suggest that it refers to that milk, unless he holds a licence authorising the use of that designation in connection with that milk.

(2) For the purpose of a sale or advertisement of milk as, or as part of, a meal or refreshments, a special designation may be used by a person who does not hold a licence authorising the use of that designation in connection with the milk if—

(a)the milk is milk bought by him; and

(b)that designation was used for the purpose of the sale of milk to him.

(3) No person shall, for the purpose of the sale or advertisement of any milk, refer to that milk by any such description, not being a special designation, as is calculated falsely to suggest—

(a)that there is in force a licence authorising the use of a special designation in connection with that milk; or

(b)that the milk is tested, approved or graded by any competent person; or

(c)that the cows from which the milk is derived are free from the infection of tuberculosis or of any other disease.

(4) In any proceedings taken under paragraph (3) above it rests on the person charged to prove the truth of any suggestion which in the court’s opinion, his acts or conduct, as proved by the prosecution, are or is calculated to convey.

(5) Where there has been a breach of a condition subject to which a licence authorising the use of a special designation is granted, but the licence has not been revoked or suspended, the breach shall not be treated as rendering the use of the designation unauthorised for any of the purposes of these Regulations.

Restrictions on the sale of milk

2B.(1) Subject to paragraph (2) below, no person shall sell milk either to a caterer or by retail for human consumption unless he uses a special designation in accordance with these Regulations.

(2) Paragraph (1) above shall not apply to—

(a)a sale by a producer of milk from cows to persons—

(i)employed by him in or in connection with such production, or

(ii)employed by him otherwise in agriculture, if he does not engage in any other selling of milk;

(b)a sale by a caterer if either—

(i)he holds a licence authorising him to use a special designation, or

(ii)he bought the milk under a sale for the purpose of which a special designation was used;

(c)a sale to a caterer if the caterer holds a licence authorising him to use the special designation appropriate to that milk;

(d)a sale to a caterer who buys the milk with a view to subjecting it to a process to which milk is required to be subjected as a condition of the use of a special designation in connection with it, and he is the holder of a licence authorising him to use that designation;

(e)a sale to a caterer who buys the milk for the purposes of a business of his as a milk dealer or a manufacturer of milk products other than his business as a caterer;

(f)sale to a caterer where the seller has reasonable cause to believe that the buyer was either not a caterer, or that, if he knows he is a caterer, the conditions in subparagraphs (d) or (e) above are fulfilled;

(g)a sale made with the consent of the Ministers;

(h)a sale by a caterer of milk sold to the caterer under a consent given by the Ministers.

(3) The Ministers may give such consent for the purposes of paragraph (2) above—

(a)either generally as respects selling milk in a defined area or restricted to a particular retailer or establishment or otherwise, and

(b)either unconditionally or subject to conditions,

as may appear to them to be requisite to meet any circumstance in which the use of a special designation appears to them to be for the time being not reasonably practicable.

Breach of retailer’s licence

2C.(1) In the event of a breach of any condition to which this regulation applies of a licence held by a retailer, the holder of the licence shall be guilty of an offence subject to the following provisions.

(2) A person shall not be guilty of an offence under this regulation if the act or omission concerned renders him liable to punishment imposed by or under any enactment other than this regulation.

(3) A person shall not be guilty of an offence under this regulation unless the breach of condition was the later, or a later, of two or more such breaches, occurring within a period of 12 months, of conditions either of that licence or of that licence and a former licence by way of renewal of which that licence was granted, and was committed either—

(a)after the licensing authority had given him notice in writing as to an earlier of those two or more breaches informing him of his being alleged to have committed it, and warning him of the liability to prosecution imposed by this regulation; or

(b)after he had been convicted of an offence under this regulation because of an earlier of those two or more breaches.

(4) In any prosecution under this regulation, it is a defence for the holder of the licence to prove (either as to the breach for which he is being prosecuted or as to the earlier breach relied on for the purposes of paragraph (3) above, unless it is one under which he has been convicted of such an offence)—

(a)that neither he nor any servant or agent of his—

(i)did or knew of the doing of, any act that constituted the breach or can reasonably be regarded as having been the cause or among the causes of it, or

(ii)omitted to do, or knew of the omission to do, any act the omission of which constituted the breach, or the doing of which can reasonably be regarded as a precaution that would have prevented it; and

(b)if the breach was in connection with milk that had been sold to him, or had been delivered to him after being subjected to a process to which it was required to be subjected as a condition of the use of the special designation to which his licence related, that that designation—

(i)was used for the purpose of the sale to him or in connection with the delivery to him, as the case may be, and

(ii)was so used without any breach, discoverable by the exercise of reasonable diligence on the part of himself or any servant or agent of his, of any condition, relating to receptacles, to closing, to fastening or to marking, of a licence to use that designation held by the person who sold the milk to him or subjected it to the process, as the case may be.

(5) This regulation applies to the following conditions:

(a)the examination or testing of animals, the inoculation of animals, the keeping of any animal or herd away from other animals, or other measure for detecting the existence of disease in animals or preventing the contracting or spread of it;

(b)the marking, or keeping of records, of any animals, or other measures for their identification;

(c)the subjection of milk to any process of heat-treatment, or to any cooling or other process, requirements in connection with the subjection of milk to such a process or as to the temperature or other conditions under which it is to be kept afterwards, or the recording or retention of evidence of the observance of such requirements;

(d)satisfaction of a test of milk, being a test related to the subjection of milk to such a process as is mentioned above or to the observance of any such requirements as are mentioned above;

(e)measures for securing that milk produced, or subjected to a process, as required by any condition is kept away from, and free from admixture with, other milk not so produced or subjected or other things, or is not subjected to some specified process;

(f)he manner in which milk produced, or subjected to any process, in accordance with any conditions is to be dealt with or kept as respects the receptacles in which it is to be put or to remain, the closing or fastening of receptacles, or the marking of receptacles, or of things by which they are closed or fastened;

(g)the manner of describing milk produced, or subjected to any process, in accordance with any conditions;

(h)the making or keeping of records of milk produced, bought, subjected to any process, or sold.


2D.(1) A person is guilty of an offence—

(a)who adds any water or colouring matter, or any dried or condensed milk or liquid reconstituted from it, to milk intended for sale for human consumption; or

(b)who sells, or offers or exposes for sale, or has in his possession for the purpose of sale, for human consumption, any milk to which any addition has been made in contravention of sub-paragraph (a) above.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b) above, a person shall be deemed to retain the possession of milk which is deposited in any place for collection until it is actually collected.

(3) The treatment of milk by the application of steam shall not be treated for the purposes of this regulation as the making of an addition of water to that milk if it is done in accordance with Schedule 4..

(4) In regulations 2(1), 9(1) and (2), 10(1), (4) and (6), 16(1) and (2), and 17(1), (2)(f), (3) and (5)(c) the words “for a specified area” shall cease to have effect, and in regulation 21(1) the words “for specified areas” shall cease to have effect.

(5) In regulation 9(1), 10(1), 16(1), 17(1) and 21(1) for the words “section 45 of the Act” there shall be substituted the words “regulation 2C”, and in regulations 9(1) and 16(1) for the words “section 45” there shall be substituted the words “regulation 2C”.

(6) In regulation 9(1)(b) and 16(1)(b), for the words “that section” there shall be substituted the words “that regulation”.

(7) In regulations 9(1)(b) and 16(1)(b) for the words “section 39, 40 or 41 of the Act” there shall be substituted the words “regulation 2A or 2B”.

(8) Paragraph (3) of regulation 12, paragraph (3) of regulation 14 and paragraph (2) of regulation 21 shall each cease to have effect.

(9) In regulation 21 after paragraph (1) there shall be inserted the following paragraphs—

(1A) The provisions of regulations 2A (except in so far as it applies to anything done in relation to raw milk by the producer of the milk), 2B and 2D shall be enforced—

(a)in any metropolitan district or London borough by the council of that district or borough;

(b)in any non-metropolitan county, by the council of that county;

(c)in the City of London (including the Temples) by the Common Council.

(1B) The provisions of Regulations 2A (except as enforced under paragraph (1A) above) and 2C (except as enforced under paragraph (1) above) shall be enforced by the Ministers..

(10) After regulation 21 there shall be inserted the following Regulations—


21A.  A person guilty of an offence under these Regulations is liable—

(a)on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum; and

(b)on conviction on indictment to a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both.

Time limits for prosecutions

21B.  No prosecution for an offence under these Regulations shall be begun after the expiry of—

(a)three years from the commission of the offence; or

(b)one year from its discovery by the prosecutor, whichever is the earlier.

Application of provisions of the Food Safety Act 1990

21C.  The following provisions of the Act shall apply for the purposes of these Regulations as they apply for the purposes of section 8, 14 or 15 of the Act and unless the context otherwise requires any reference in them to the Act shall be construed as a reference to these Regulations—

Consequential modifications to the Milk and Milk Products (Protection of Designations) Regulations 1990

14.—(1) The Milk and Milk Products (Protection of Designations) Regulations 1990(8) shall have effect subject to the following amendments.

(2) After regulation 1 there shall be inserted the following regulation—


1A.  In these Regulations—

“the Act” means the Food Safety Act 1990;

“food authority” means—


in England, for each non-metropolitan county, metropolitan district and London borough, the council of that county, district or borough, and for the City of London and the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Common Council of the City of London;


in Wales, the county councils..

(3) In regulation 2(2) for the words “food and drugs authority” there shall be substituted the words “food authority”.

Consequential modifications to the Milk and Dairies and Milk (Special Designation) (Charges) Regulations 1990

15.—(1) The Milk and Dairies and Milk (Special Designation) (Charges) Regulations 1990(9) shall have effect subject to the following amendments.

(2) In regulation 2(1), in the definition of “served” for the words “section 125” there shall be substituted the words “section 50”; and

(3) In regulation 3(3)(c) for the words “section 42 of the Act” there shall be substituted the words “regulation 2B of the Milk (Special Designation) Regulations 1989”.

Miscellaneous modifications and revocations of provisions relating to milk

16.—(1) In the Milk and Dairies (Channel Islands and South Devon Milk) Regulations 1956(10) in regulation 2(1), in the definition of “specified description”, the words from “(being in each case” to the end of that definition shall cease to have effect.

(2) In the Drinking Milk Regulations 1976(11) regulation 9 shall cease to have effect.

(3) In the Milk-based Drinks (Hygiene and Heat Treatment) Regulations 1983(12) paragraph (3) of regulation 10 shall cease to have effect.

(4) In paragraph 3(a) of Schedule 3 to the Importation of Milk Regulations 1988(13) for the words “sections 38 to 47 of the Food Act 1984 (which relate to special designations)” there shall be substituted the words “the Milk (Special Designation) Regulations 1989”.


Port Health Authority Orders

17.—(1) In the Schedule to each of the Port Health Authority Orders specified in Schedule 11 any reference to the Food and Drugs Act 1955, the Importation of Milk Act 1983 or the Food Act 1984 shall cease to have effect.

(2) After the provisions of the Orders specified in column 3 of Schedule 11 there shall be inserted the following paragraph numbered sequentially—

“There are hereby assigned to the port health authority constituted by this Order the functions, rights and liabilities of a food authority under the Food Safety Act 1990 so far as they are applicable to a port health authority.”.


Miscellaneous consequential modifications

18.—(1) In the Public Health (Shell-fish) Regulations 1934(14)—

(a)in regulation 2(2) for the definition of “local authority” there shall be substituted the following definition—

“food authority” means a port health authority, the Common Council of the City of London, the council of a metropolitan district, the council of a London borough and the council of a district;;

(b)for the words “port sanitary authority” in each place where they occur there shall be substituted the words “port health authority”; and

(c)for the words “local authority” in each place where they occur there shall be substituted the words “food authority”.

(2) In the Ice-Cream (Heat Treatment, etc.) Regulations 1959(15) in regulation 2(1) for the definition of “home-going ship” there shall be substituted the following definition—

“home-going ship” means a ship plying exclusively in inland waters, or engaged exclusively in coastal excursions; and for the purpose of this definition “inland waters” means any canal, river, lake, navigation or estuary, and “coastal excursion” means an excursion lasting not more than one day which starts and ends in Great Britain and does not involve calling at any place outside Great Britain;.

(3) In the Food Hygiene (Markets, Stalls and Delivery Vehicles) Regulations 1966(16) for regulation 24(1)(c)(ii) there shall be substituted the following provision—

(ii)provided for use by persons employed at premises occupied by the Crown, or.

(4) In the Food Hygiene (General) Regulations 1970(17) in regulation 8(2) for the words “under section 16 of the Act” there shall be substituted the words “with a food authority”.

(5) In the Poultry Meat (Hygiene) Regulations 1976(18) in regulation 2(1) in the definition of “inspector” for the words “section 86(4) of the Act and the Authorised Officers (Meat Inspection) Regulations 1974 as amended” there shall be substituted the words “section 5(6) of the Act and the Authorised Officers (Meat Inspection) Regulations 1987”.

(6) In the Condensed Milk and Dried Milk Regulations 1977(19) and in the Caseins and Caseinates Regulations 1985(20) for paragraphs (a) and (b) of regulations 9A and 6A respectively, there shall be substituted the following words—

“the powers of an authorised officer of an enforcement authority under section 29 of the Act and the duties of such an officer under any Regulations made under the Act.”.

(7) In the Slaughterhouses (Hygiene) Regulations 1977(21) in regulation 2(1) in the definition of “authorised officer” for the words “section 86 of the Food and Drugs Act 1955” there shall be substituted the words “section 5(6) of the Act”.

(8) In the Authorised Officers (Meat Inspection) Regulations 1987(22) in regulation 2 for the words “Pursuant to section 73(2) of the Food Act 1984 any officer of a council” there shall be substituted the words “Pursuant to section 5(6) of the Food Safety Act 1990 any officer of a food authority”.

(9) In the Fresh Meat Export (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations 1987(23) in regulation 2(1) in the definition of “inspector” for the words “section 73 of the Act” there shall be substituted the words “section 5(6) of the Act”.

(10) In the Preservatives in Food Regulations 1989(24) in regulation 8(1) the words after “such substance present” to the end shall cease to have effect and there shall be substituted the following—

“the power of an authorised officer of an enforcement authority under section 29 of the Act to procure samples and the duties of such an officer under any Regulations made under the Act shall be exercised in accordance with Part I of Schedule 4.”.

(11) In the Spirit Drinks Regulations 1990(25) in regulation 4(1) for the word “council” in each place where it occurs there shall be substituted the words “food authority or port health authority”.

(12) In the Tryptophan in Food Regulations 1990(26) in regulation 5 for the words “food and drugs authority” there shall be substituted the words “drugs authority”.

Miscellaneous revocations

19.—(1) The provisions of the Regulations specified in column 3 of Schedule 12 are revoked.

(2) The Food and Drugs (Legal Proceedings) Regulations 1962(27) are revoked.

(3) In the London Authorities (Miscellaneous Health Provisions) Order 1965(28) article 3 shall cease to have effect.

(4) In the Food Hygiene (Markets, Stalls and Delivery Vehicles) Regulations 1966 in regulation 12(1)(c) the words “section 4 of” shall cease to have effect.

(5) In Schedule 2 to the Ice-Cream Regulations 1967(29) the words “The Food and Drugs (Legal Proceedings) Regulations 1962” in column 1 and the relative words in columns 2 and 3 shall cease to have effect.

(6) In the Food Hygiene (General) Regulations 1970—

(a)in regulation 27(1)(c) the words “section 4 of” shall cease to have effect; and

(b)regulation 35 shall cease to have effect.

(7) In Schedule 2 to the Slaughterhouses (Hygiene) Regulations 1977 the words “The Food and Drugs (Legal Proceedings) Regulations 1962” in column 1 and the relative words in columns 2 and 3 of that Schedule shall cease to have effect.

(8) In Schedule 2 to the Lead in Food Regulations 1979(30) the words “The Food and Drugs (Legal Proceedings) Regulations 1962” in column 1 and the relative words in columns 2 and 3 of that Schedule shall cease to have effect.

(9) In the National Health Service (Food Premises) Regulations 1987(31) in regulation 1(2) the definition of “the food legislation” shall cease to have effect.

(10) In the Preserved Sardines (Marketing Standards) Regulations 1990(32) regulation 4 shall cease to have effect.


Application of the Food Safety Act to the Isles of Scilly

20.—(1) The Food Safety Act 1990 shall apply to the Isles of Scilly subject to the modification that in section 5(1) of that Act after paragraph (c) there shall be inserted the following paragraph—

(2) In the Isles of Scilly (Functions) Order 1979(33) in article 3—

(a)in paragraph (a) for the words “the Food and Drugs Act 1955” there shall be substituted the words “the Food Safety Act 1990”;

(b)in paragraph (c) for the words “as food and drugs authorities by the Food and Drugs Act 1955” there shall be substituted the words “by the Food Safety Act 1990”.

In witness whereof the Official Seal of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is hereunto affixed on 7th December 1990.


John Selwyn Gummer

Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Stephen Dorrell

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Health

10th December 1990

David Hunt

Secretary of State for Wales

7th December 1990

Article 2



Column 1Column 2Column 3
S.R. & O./ S.I. No.TitleProvisions Amended
1956/919The Milk and Dairies (Channel Islands and South Devon Milk) Regulations 1956Regulation 2(1)
1960/1602The Food Hygiene (Docks, Carriers etc.) Regulations 1960Regulation 2(1)
1963/1503The Liquid Egg (Pasteurisation) Regulations 1963Regulation 2(1)
1964/19The Meat (Treatment) Regulations 1964Regulation 2(1)
1964/760The Soft Drinks Regulations 1964Regulation 2(1)
1966/791The Food Hygiene (Markets, Stalls and Delivery Vehicles) Regulations 1966Regulation 2(1)
1966/1073The Mineral Hydrocarbons in Food Regulations 1966Regulation 2(1)
1966/1074The Butter Regulations 1966Regulation 2(1)
1967/1582The Solvents in Food Regulations 1967Regulation 2(1)
1967/1866The Ice-Cream Regulations 1967Regulation 2(1)
1967/1867The Margarine Regulations 1967Regulation 2(1)
1970/94The Cheese Regulations 1970Regulation 2(1)
1970/752The Cream Regulations 1970Regulation 2(1)
1970/1172The Food Hygiene (General) Regulations 1970Regulation 2(1)
1973/1340The Colouring Matter in Food Regulations 1973Regulation 2(1)
1976/509The Specified Sugar Products Regulations 1976Regulation 2(1)
1976/541The Cocoa and Chocolate Products Regulations 1976Regulation 2(1)
1976/1209The Poultry Meat (Hygiene) Regulations 1976Regulation 2(1)
1976/1832The Honey Regulations 1976Regulation 2(1)
1976/2186The Milk and Dairies (Milk Bottle Caps) (Colour) Regulations 1976Regulation 2(1)
1977/691The Erucic Acid in Food Regulations 1977Regulation 2(1)
1977/927The Fruit Juices and Fruit Nectars Regulations 1977Regulation 2(1)
1977/928The Condensed Milk and Dried Milk Regulations 1977Regulation 2(1)
1978/105The Antioxidants in Food Regulations 1978Regulation 2(1)
1978/1420The Coffee and Coffee Products Regulations 1978Regulation 2(1)
1979/1254The Lead in Food Regulations 1979Regulation 2(1)
1980/36The Chloroform in Food Regulations 1980Regulation 2(1)
1980/1834The Miscellaneous Additives in Food Regulations 1980Regulation 2(1)
1981/1063The Jam and Similar Products Regulations 1981Regulation 2(1)
1982/1018The Meat (Sterilisation and Staining) Regulations 1982Regulation 3(1)
1983/1211The Sweeteners in Food Regulations 1983Regulation 2(1)
1983/1508The Milk-Based Drinks (Hygiene and Heat Treatment) Regulations 1983Regulation 2(1)
1983/1509The Milk and Dairies (Heat Treatment of Cream) Regulations 1983Regulation 2(1)
1984/1304The Bread and Flour Regulations 1984Regulation 2(1)
1984/1305The Food Labelling Regulations 1984Regulation 2(1)
1984/1566The Meat Products and Spreadable Fish Products Regulations 1984Regulation 2(1)
1984/1918The Imported Food Regulations 1984Regulation 2(1)
1987/2237The Fresh Meat Export (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations 1987Regulation 2(1)
1988/2206The Milk and Dairies (Semi-Skimmed and Skimmed Milk) (Heat Treatment and Labelling) Regulations 1988Regulation 2(1)
1989/533The Preservatives in Food Regulations 1989Regulation 2(1)
1989/876The Emulsifiers and Stabilisers in Food Regulations 1989Regulation 2(1)
1989/910The Tetrachloroethylene in Olive Oil Regulations 1989Regulation 2(1)
1989/2061The Bovine Offal (Prohibition) Regulations 1989Regulation 2(1)
1989/2383The Milk (Special Designation) Regulations 1989Regulation 2(1)
1990/1084The Preserved Sardines (Marketing Standards) Regulations 1990Regulation 2(1)
1990/1179The Spirit Drinks Regulations 1990Regulation 2(1)
1990/1584The Milk and Dairies and Milk (Special Designation) (Charges) Regulations 1990Regulation 2(1)


1934/1342The Public Health (Shell-Fish) Regulations 1934Regulation 2(2)
1959/277The Milk and Dairies (General) Regulations 1959Regulation 2(1)
1959/734The Ice-Cream (Heat Treatment, etc.) Regulations 1959Regulation 2(1)
1959/831The Arsenic in Food Regulations 1959Regulation 2(1)
1960/2331The Skimmed Milk with Non-Milk Fat Regulations 1960Regulation 2(1)
1976/1883The Drinking Milk Regulations 1976Regulation 2(1)
1977/1805The Slaughterhouses (Hygiene) Regulations 1977Regulation 2(1)
1984/1145The Poultry Meat (Water Content) Regulations 1984Regulation 2
1985/2026The Caseins and Caseinates Regulations 1985Regulation 2
1990/1323The Ungraded Eggs (Hygiene) Regulations 1990Regulation 2
1990/1728The Tryptophan in Food Regulations 1990Regulation 1(2)

Article 3


Column 1Column 2
S.I. No.Title
1959/831The Arsenic in Food Regulations 1959
1960/1602The Food Hygiene (Docks, Carriers etc.) Regulations 1960
1966/791The Food Hygiene (Markets, Stalls and Delivery Vehicles) Regulations 1966
1966/1073The Mineral Hydrocarbons in Food Regulations 1966
1966/1074The Butter Regulations 1966
1967/1582The Solvents in Food Regulations 1967
1967/1866The Ice-Cream Regulations 1967
1967/1867The Margarine Regulations 1967
1970/94The Cheese Regulations 1970
1970/752The Cream Regulations 1970
1970/1172The Food Hygiene (General) Regulations 1970
1973/1340The Colouring Matter in Food Regulations 1973
1976/509The Specified Sugar Products Regulations 1976
1976/541The Cocoa and Chocolate Products Regulations 1976
1976/1832The Honey Regulations 1976
1977/691The Erucic Acid in Food Regulations 1977
1977/927The Fruit Juices and Fruit Nectars Regulations 1977
1977/928The Condensed Milk and Dried Milk Regulations 1977
1978/105The Antioxidants in Food Regulations 1978
1978/1420The Coffee and Coffee Products Regulations 1978
1979/1254The Lead in Food Regulations 1979
1980/36The Chloroform in Food Regulations 1980
1980/1834The Miscellaneous Additives in Food Regulations 1980
1984/1305The Food Labelling Regulations 1984
1984/1918The Imported Food Regulations 1984
1989/533The Preservatives in Food Regulations 1989
1989/876The Emulsifiers and Stabilisers in Food Regulations 1989

Article 4(1), (2) and (3)



Column 1Column 2
S.I. No.Title
1956/919The Milk and Dairies (Channel Islands and South Devon Milk) Regulations 1956
1959/831The Arsenic in Food Regulations 1959
1960/2331The Skimmed Milk with Non-Milk Fat Regulations 1960
1964/19The Meat (Treatment) Regulations 1964
1964/760The Soft Drinks Regulations 1964
1966/1073The Mineral Hydrocarbons in Food Regulations 1966
1966/1074The Butter Regulations 1966
1967/1582The Solvents in Food Regulations 1967
1967/1866The Ice-Cream Regulations 1967
1967/1867The Margarine Regulations 1967
1970/94The Cheese Regulations 1970
1970/752The Cream Regulations 1970
1973/1340The Colouring Matter in Food Regulations 1973
1976/509The Specified Sugar Products Regulations 1976
1976/541The Cocoa and Chocolate Products Regulations 1976
1976/1832The Honey Regulations 1976
1976/1883The Drinking Milk Regulations 1976
1976/2186The Milk and Dairies (Milk Bottle Caps) (Colour) Regulations 1976
1977/691The Erucic Acid in Food Regulations 1977
1977/927The Fruit Juices and Fruit Nectars Regulations 1977
1977/928The Condensed Milk and Dried Milk Regulations 1977
1978/105The Antioxidants in Food Regulations 1978
1978/1420The Coffee and Coffee Products Regulations 1978
1979/1254The Lead in Food Regulations 1979
1980/36The Chloroform in Food Regulations 1980
1980/1834The Miscellaneous Additives in Food Regulations 1980
1981/1063The Jam and Similar Products Regulations 1981
1983/1211The Sweeteners in Food Regulations 1983
1989/533The Preservatives in Food Regulations 1989


Column 1Column 2Column 3
S.I. No.TitleProvisions Amended
1984/1145The Poultry Meat (Water Content) Regulations 1984Regulation 2
1984/1304The Bread and Flour Regulations 1984Regulation 2(1)
1984/1566The Meat Products and Spreadable Fish Products Regulations 1984Regulation 2(1)
1985/2026The Caseins and Caseinates Regulations 1985Regulation 2
1989/876The Emulsifiers and Stabilisers in Food Regulations 1989Regulation 2(1)
1989/910The Tetrachloroethylene in Olive Oil Regulations 1989Regulation 2
1990/1084The Preserved Sardines (Marketing Standards) Regulations 1990Regulation 2(1)
1990/1179The Spirit Drinks Regulations 1990Regulation 2(1)

Article 4(4), (5) and (6)



Column 1Column 2
S.I. No.Title
1959/277The Milk and Dairies (General) Regulations 1959
1959/734The Ice-Cream (Heat Treatment, etc.) Regulations 1959
1960/1602The Food Hygiene (Docks, Carriers etc.) Regulations 1960
1963/1503The Liquid Egg (Pasteurisation) Regulations 1963
1966/791The Food Hygiene (Markets, Stalls and Delivery Vehicles) Regulations 1966
1970/1172The Food Hygiene (General) Regulations 1970
1976/1209The Poultry Meat (Hygiene) Regulations 1976
1977/1805The Slaughterhouses (Hygiene) Regulations 1977
1987/2236The Meat Inspection Regulations 1987
1987/2237The Fresh Meat Export (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations 1987
1988/2206The Milk and Dairies (Semi-Skimmed and Skimmed Milk) (Heat Treatment and Labelling) Regulations 1988
1989/2133The Meat and Meat Products (Hormonal Substances) Regulations 1989


Column 1Column 2Column 3
S.I. No.TitleProvisions Amended
1982/1018The Meat (Sterilisation and Staining) Regulations 1982Regulation 3(1)
1983/1508The Milk-Based Drinks (Hygiene and Heat Treatment) Regulations 1983Regulation 2(1)
1983/1509The Milk and Dairies (Heat Treatment of Cream) Regulations 1983Regulation 2(1)
1984/1918The Imported Food Regulations 1984Regulation 2
1989/2061The Bovine Offal (Prohibition) Regulations 1989Regulation 2(1)
1989/2383The Milk (Special Designation) Regulations 1989Regulation 2(1)
1990/1323The Ungraded Eggs (Hygiene) Regulations 1990Regulation 2
1990/1728The Tryptophan in Food Regulations 1990Regulation 1(2)

Article 5(1) and (2)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
S.R. & O./S.I. No.TitleProvisions Revoked
1934/1342The Public Health (Shell-Fish) Regulations 1934Regulation 14
1956/919The Milk and Dairies (Channel Islands and South Devon Milk) Regulations 1956Regulation 6
1959/277The Milk and Dairies (General) Regulations 1959Regulation 5A
1959/734The Ice-Cream (Heat Treatment, etc.) Regulations 1959Regulation 10
1959/831The Arsenic in Food Regulations 1959Regulations 2(3) and 6
1963/1503The Liquid Egg (Pasteurisation) Regulations 1963Regulations 2(2) and 5
1964/19The Meat (Treatment) Regulations 1964Regulation 6
1964/760The Soft Drinks Regulations 1964Regulations 2(3) and 17
1966/1073The Mineral Hydrocarbons in Food Regulations 1966Regulation 8
1976/1209The Poultry Meat (Hygiene) Regulations 1976Regulations 3(6) and 31
1976/1883The Drinking Milk Regulations 1976Regulation 10
1976/2186The Milk and Dairies (Milk Bottle Caps) (Colour) Regulations 1976Regulation 5
1977/691The Erucic Acid in Food Regulations 1977Regulations 2(4) and 6
1979/1254The Lead in Food Regulations 1979Regulations 2(3) and 8
1980/36The Chloroform in Food Regulations 1980Regulations 2(2) and 7
1983/1509The Milk and Dairies (Heat Treatment of Cream) Regulations 1983Regulation 8
1984/1145The Poultry Meat (Water Content) Regulations 1984Regulations 13, 14 and 15
1984/1918The Imported Food Regulations 1984Regulations 3, 24, and 25
1987/2237The Fresh Meat Export (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations 1987Regulations 15 and 18
1988/2206The Milk and Dairies (Semi-Skimmed and Skimmed Milk) (Heat Treatment and Labelling) Regulations 1988Regulation 6
1989/910The Tetrachloroethylene in Olive Oil Regulations 1989Regulation 5
1989/2061The Bovine Offal (Prohibition) Regulations 1989Regulations 2(2)(a) and 16
1989/2133The Meat and Meat Products (Hormonal Substances) Regulations 1989Regulations 2(2), 14, 19, 20 and 21
1990/1084The Preserved Sardines (Marketing Standards) Regulations 1990Regulation 6
1990/1323The Ungraded Eggs (Hygiene) Regulations 1990
1990/1728The Tryptophan in Food Regulations 1990Regulation 4

Article 5(3) and (4)

SCHEDULE 6APPLICATION OF SECTIONS 2, 3, 20, 21, 22, 30(8), 33, 36 AND 44 OF THE ACT

Column 1Column 2Column 3
S.I. No.TitleProvisions Revoked
1960/2331The Skimmed Milk with Non-Milk Fat Regulations 1960Regulations 5(3) and (4) and 9
1966/1074The Butter Regulations 1966Regulations 2(5), 8 and 9
1967/1582The Solvents in Food Regulations 1967Regulations 2(5), 9 and 10
1967/1866The Ice-Cream Regulations 1967Regulations 2(5), 9 and 10
1967/1867The Margarine Regulations 1967Regulations 2(5), 12 and 13
1970/94The Cheese Regulations 1970Regulations 2(5), 17 and 18
1970/752The Cream Regulations 1970Regulations 2(5), 13 and 14
1973/1340The Colouring Matter in Food Regulations 1973Regulations 2(6), 10 and 11
1976/509The Specified Sugar Products Regulations 1976Regulations 2(6), 11 and 12
1976/541The Cocoa and Chocolate Products Regulations 1976Regulations 2(5), 17 and 18
1976/1832The Honey Regulations 1976Regulations 2(6), 11 and 12
1977/927The Fruit Juices and Fruit Nectars Regulations 1977Regulations 2(5), 13 and 14
1977/928The Condensed Milk and Dried Milk Regulations 1977Regulations 2(6), 11 and 12
1978/105The Antioxidants in Food Regulations 1978Regulations 2(5), 9 and 10
1978/1420The Coffee and Coffee Products Regulations 1978Regulations 2(5), 11 and 12
1980/1834The Miscellaneous Additives in Food Regulations 1980Regulations 2(4), 8 and 9
1981/1063The Jam and Similar Products Regulations 1981Regulations 2(5), 17 and 18
1983/1211The Sweeteners in Food Regulations 1983Regulations 2(2) and 10
1983/1508The Milk-Based Drinks (Hygiene and Heat Treatment) Regulations 1983Regulation 11
1984/1304The Bread and Flour Regulations 1984Regulations 2(2) and 13
1984/1305The Food Labelling Regulations 1984Regulations 2(2), 42 and 43
1984/1566The Meat Products and Spreadable Fish Products Regulations 1984Regulations 2(2), 16, 17 and 18
1985/2026The Caseins and Caseinates Regulations 1985Regulations 8 and 9
1989/533The Preservatives in Food Regulations 1989Regulations 2(5), 11(2) and 12
1989/876The Emulsifiers and Stabilisers in Food Regulations 1989Regulations 2(4), 9 and 10
1990/607The Milk and Milk Products (Protection of Designations) Regulations 1990Regulations 3 and 4
1990/1179The Spirit Drinks Regulations 1990Regulation 6

Article 6(1)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
S.I. No.TitleProvisions Amended
1959/831The Arsenic in Food Regulations 1959Regulation 4
1964/19The Meat (Treatment) Regulations 1964Regulation 4
1966/1073The Mineral Hydrocarbons in Food Regulations 1966Regulation 5
1967/1582The Solvents in Food Regulations 1967Regulation 7
1973/1340The Colouring Matter in Food Regulations 1973Regulation 8
1978/105The Antioxidants in Food Regulations 1978Regulation 7
1979/1254The Lead in Food Regulations 1979Regulation 5
1980/36The Chloroform in Food Regulations 1980Regulation 5
1980/1834The Miscellaneous Additives in Food Regulations 1980Regulation 6
1983/1211The Sweeteners in Food Regulations 1983Regulation 8
1989/533The Preservatives in Food Regulations 1989Regulation 9
1989/876The Emulsifiers and Stabilisers in Food Regulations 1989Regulation 7
1990/1728The Tryptophan in Food Regulations 1990Regulation 3

Article 6(2)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
S.I. No.TitleProvisions Amended
1960/1602The Food Hygiene (Docks, Carriers etc.) Regulations 1960Regulation 26
1966/791The Food Hygiene (Markets, Stalls and Delivery Vehicles) Regulations 1966Regulation 25(4)
1970/1172The Food Hygiene (General) Regulations 1970Regulation 29(4)
1977/1805The Slaughterhouses (Hygiene) Regulations 1977Regulation 49
1982/1018The Meat (Sterilisation and Staining) Regulations 1982Regulation 27

Article 6(3)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
S.I. No.TitleProvisions Amended
1960/1602The Food Hygiene (Docks, Carriers etc.) Regulations 1960Regulation 24(5)
1966/791The Food Hygiene (Markets, Stalls and Delivery Vehicles) Regulations 1966Regulation 24(10)
1970/1172The Food Hygiene (General) Regulations 1970Regulation 28(7)

Article 7


Column 1Column 2Column 3
S.R. & O./S.I. No.TitleProvisions Amended
1934/1342The Public Health (Shell-fish) Regulations 1934Regulation 12
1959/734The Ice-Cream (Heat Treatment etc.) Regulations 1959Regulation 7
1960/1602The Food Hygiene (Docks, Carriers, etc.) Regulations 1960Regulation 25
1963/1503The Liquid Egg (Pasteurisation) Regulations 1963Regulation 4
1966/791The Food Hygiene (Markets, Stalls and Delivery Vehicles) Regulations 1966Regulation 26
1970/1172The Food Hygiene (General) Regulations 1970Regulation 30
1976/1209The Poultry Meat (Hygiene) Regulations 1976Regulation 29
1977/1805The Slaughterhouses (Hygiene) Regulations 1977Regulation 51
1982/1018The Meat (Sterilisation and Staining) Regulations 1982Regulation 26
1984/1918The Imported Food Regulations 1984Regulation 20
1987/2236The Meat Inspection Regulations 1987Regulation 17
1987/2237The Fresh Meat Export (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations 1987Regulation 17
1989/2061The Bovine Offal (Prohibition) Regulations 1989Regulation 15
1990/1179The Spirit Drinks Regulations 1990Regulation 5

Article 17


Column 1Column 2Column 3
S.I. No.TitleProvisions referred to
1977/1457The Plymouth Port Health Authority Order 1977Article 4(3)
1977/1458The Barrow Port Health Authority Order 1977Article 4(3)
1977/1459The River Blyth Port Health Authority Order 1977Article 7(3)
1977/1460The Manchester Port Health Authority Order 1977Article 7(3)
1978/383The Poole Port Health Authority Order 1978Article 4(3)
1978/685The Whitstable Port Health Authority Order 1978Article 4(3)
1978/819The Dover Port Health Authority Order 1978Article 4(3)
1978/1695The Ramsgate Port Health Authority Order 1978Article 4(3)
1979/134The Stroud Port Health Authority Order 1979Article 4(3)
1979/1085The Fowey Port Health Authority Order 1979Article 7(3)
1980/609The Lancaster Port Health Authority Order 1980Article 4(3)
1980/1024The Teignmouth Port Health Authority Order 1980Article 5(3)
1980/1063The Folkestone Port Health Authority Order 1980Article 6(3)
1980/1104The Great Yarmouth Port Health Authority Order 1980Article 4(3)
1980/1320The Weymouth Port Health Authority Order 1980Article 9(3)
1980/1329The Newhaven (Lewes District) Port Health Authority Order 1980Article 5(3)
1980/1330The Penwith Port Health Authority Order 1980Article 5(3)
1980/1469The Colchester Port Health Authority Order 1980Article 5(3)
1980/1481The Faversham Port Health Authority Order 1980Article 4(3)
1980/1497The Maldon Port Health Authority Order 1981Article 5(3)
1981/88The Lowestoft Port Health Authority Order 1981Article 4(3)
1981/166The Exeter Port Health Authority Order 1981Article 8(3)
1981/495The Fleetwood Port Health Authority Order 1981Article 4(3)
1981/682The Ipswich Port Health Authority Order 1981Article 4(3)
1981/978The Boston Port Health Authority Order 1981Article 5(3)
1981/1281The Port Health Authorities (Tendring and Suffolk Coastal) Order 1981Article 6(3)
1982/1274The River Tees Port Health Authority Order 1982Article 8(3)
1982/1275The Hartlepool Port Health Authority Order 1982Article 4(3)
1982/1327The Kings Lynn Port Health Authority Order 1982Article 4(3)
1982/1328The Wisbech Port Health Authority Order 1982Article 5(3)
1982/1476The Grimsby Port Health Authority Order 1982Article 4(3)
1982/1854The Hull and Goole Port Health Authority Order 1982Article 8(3)
1982/1855The Immingham (Cleethorpes) Port Health Authority Order 1982Article 5(3)
1984/714The Whitehaven Port Health Authority Order 1984Article 4(3)
1984/715The Workington Port Health Authority Order 1984Article 4(3)
1984/1054The Medway Port Health Authority Order 1984Article 4(3)
1987/731The Bristol Port Health Authority Order 1987Article 4(4)
1988/1457The Mersey Port Health Authority Order 1988Article 4(3)
1988/2075The Falmouth and Truro Port Health Authority Order 1988Article 8(3)
1990/81The Cowes Port Health Authority Order 1990Article 4(3)
1990/82The Portsmouth Port Health Authority Order 1990Article 4(3)
1990/83The Southampton Port Health Authority Order 1990Article 4(3)
1990/1119The Tyne Port Health Authority Order 1990Article 9(3)

Article 19(1)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
S.I. No.TitleProvisions Revoked
1960/2331The Skimmed Milk with Non-Milk Fat Regulations 1960Regulation 7(3)
1964/760The Soft Drinks Regulations 1964Regulation 16(3)
1966/1074The Butter Regulations 1966Regulation 7(3)
1967/1582The Solvents in Food Regulations 1967Regulation 8(3)
1967/1866The Ice-Cream Regulations 1967Regulation 8(3)
1967/1867The Margarine Regulations 1967Regulation 11(3)
1970/94The Cheese Regulations 1970Regulation 16(3)
1970/752The Cream Regulations 1970Regulation 12(3)
1973/1340The Colouring Matter in Food Regulations 1973Regulation 9(3)
1976/509The Specified Sugar Products Regulations 1976Regulation 10(3)
1976/541The Cocoa and Chocolate Products Regulations 1976Regulation 16(3)
1976/1832The Honey Regulations 1976Regulation 10(3)
1977/927The Fruit Juices and Fruit Nectars Regulations 1977Regulation 12(3)
1977/928The Condensed Milk and Dried Milk Regulations 1977Regulation 10(3)
1978/105The Antioxidants in Food Regulations 1978Regulation 8(3)
1978/1420The Coffee and Coffee Products Regulations 1978Regulation 10(3)

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends various Orders and Regulations applying to England and Wales which refer to the Food and Drugs Act 1955 and the Food Act 1984. The 1955 Act was consolidated by the 1984 Act, which has now been largely repealed by the Food Safety Act 1990.

The Order amends Regulations referring to the 1955 Act and the 1984 Act. It amends Regulations defining food so that they are consistent with the new definition in the 1990 Act, and changes references to food and drugs authorities and (where necessary) local authorities to food authorities as defined in that Act. Where Regulations apply provisions of the earlier Acts, they are amended so that the provisions of the 1990 Act are applied.

Amendments are made to Regulations relating to imports and meat, and Regulations relating to milk are amended so that provisions contained in the 1984 Act concerning milk are now in those Regulations.

Port Health Authority Orders are amended so that they refer to the 1990 Act. Necessary miscellaneous textual amendments are made to Regulations having effect under the 1990 Act which is applied (with modifications) to the Isles of Scilly in place of the 1984 Act.


S.I. 1959/277; relevant amending instrument is S.I. 1962/1288.


S.I. 1983/1509 (to which there are amendments not relevant to this Order).


S.I. 1956/919; relevant amending instrument is S.I. 1962/1288.


S.I. 1976/1883 (to which there are amendments not relevant to this Order).


S.I. 1983/1508 (to which there are amendments not relevant to this Order).


S.R. & O. 1934/1342; relevant amending instrument is S.I. 1982/1727.


S.I. 1959/734; relevant amending instrument is S.I. 1962/1287.


S.I. 1966/791; relevant amending instrument is S.I. 1966/1487.


S.I. 1970/1172 (to which there are amendments not relevant to this Order).


S.I. 1976/1209; relevant amending instrument is S.I. 1982/1727.


S.I. 1977/928; relevant amending instrument is S.I. 1989/1959.


S.I. 1985/2026 as amended by S.I. 1989/2321.


S.I. 1977/1805 (to which there are amendments not relevant to this Order).


S.I. 1989/533 (to which there are amendments not relevant to this Order).


S.I. 1967/1866 (to which there are amendments not relevant to this Order).


S.I. 1979/1254 (to which there are amendments not relevant to this Order).