Obligatory revocation of large goods vehicle drivers' licences and disqualification on revocation

12.—(1) The prescribed circumstances for the purposes of section 115(1)(a) of the 1988 Act (obligatory revocation of licence) are that, in the case of the holder of a large goods vehicle driver’s licence who is under the age of 21, the counterpart of his ordinary driving licence bears more than three penalty points.

(2) Where a large goods vehicle driver’s licence is revoked under section 115(1)(a) the cases in which the person whose licence has been revoked must be disqualified indefinitely or for a period, shall be determined by the Secretary of State.

(3) Where the Secretary of State determines that a person whose licence has been revoked under section 115(1)(a) is to be disqualified for a period he shall be disqualified until he reaches 21 years of age or for such longer period as the Secretary of State may determine.