Rule 2


ServiceAmount of Fee

1.  Registration, renewal, rectification or cancellation of an entry in any register per name


2.  Certificate of cancellationper name


3.  Entry of priority notice per name


4.  Inspection of an entry in the register per entry


5.  Office copy of an entry in the register (including any plan) whether the application is made in writing or by telephone or teleprinter or facsimile transmissionper copy


6.  Official search in the index (including issue of printed certificate of result):—

written applicationper name £1

telephone application per name £2

teleprinter application per name £2

facsimile transmission application per name £2

7.  Official search in the index (including visual display of result of search and issue of printed certificate of such result)

per name £2

Rule 4(4)


1.  The Registrar may, as he thinks fit, authorise any person or firm to use a credit account for the purpose of the payment of fees but may withdraw or suspend any such authorisation at any time without giving any reason therefor.

2.  The Registrar may also at any time terminate or suspend all credit accounting facilities generally.

3.  A statement of account shall be sent by the Registrar to each account holder at the end of each calendar month or at such other period as the Registrar shall direct either in any particular case or generally.

4.  On receipt of the statement and if no question arises thereon the account holder shall pay by cheque any sum due on his account promptly, and in any event within ten days of its receipt.

5.  Cheques shall be made payable to H.M. Land Registry and sent to the Accounts Section, Land Charges Department, Burrington Way, Plymouth, PL5 3LP or at such other address as the Registrar shall direct.