Regulation 4
The following are the particulars of amounts deducted from the general schools budget of the authority in arriving at its aggregated budget prescribed by regulation 4(1):
1. The amount of planned expenditure on each excepted head or item of expenditure.
2. The amount of planned expenditure on each head or item of excluded expenditure under the authority’s scheme, the amount of which (together with the amount of any other such head or item) is not subject to a limit in accordance with the authority’s scheme or any condition imposed by the Secretary of State in approving its scheme.
3. The aggregate of the planned expenditure referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2.
4. The amount of planned expenditure on each head or item of excluded expenditure under the authority’s scheme the amount of which (together with the amount of any other such head or item) is subject to a limit in accordance with the authority’s scheme or any condition imposed by the Secretary of State in approving its scheme.
5. The aggregate of the planned expenditure referred to in paragraph 4.
6. The aggregate of the sums referred to in paragraphs 3 and 5.
The information prescribed by regulation 4(2) with respect to the amounts referred to in Part I above and the amount of the authority’s aggregated budget is:
7. The amount of the authority’s aggregated budget expressed as a percentage of its general schools budget.
8. The amount referred to in paragraph 3 expressed as a percentage of the authority’s general schools budget.
9. The amount referred to in paragraph 5 expressed as a percentage of the authority’s general schools budget.
10. The amount referred to in paragraph 6 expressed as a percentage of the authority’s general schools budget.
11. The amounts deducted from the authority’s general schools budget in arriving at its aggregated budget which correspond to the following descriptions of expenditure (including in the case of each such amount any administrative costs or overheads attributable to that description of expenditure)—
(a)expenditure treated by the authority as expenditure of a capital nature;
(b)expenditure, so far as taken into account in determining the authority’s general schools budget, in respect of the repayment of the principal of, the payment of interest on and the discharge of any other financial obligation in connection with any loan raised to meet expenditure of a capital nature;
(c)expenditure on the provision of transport for pupils between home and school;
(d)expenditure in respect of the costs directly or indirectly attributable to schools of compensation and redundancy payments for staff who retire prematurely;
(e)expenditure on additional support provided to schools specifically for pupils with statements of special educational needs in accordance with those statements;
(f)expenditure on services provided by educational psychologists;
(g)expenditure on services provided by education welfare officers;
(h)expenditure on the provision of clothing for pupils;
(i)expenditure on the granting of scholarships, exhibitions, bursaries or other allowances to pupils over compulsory school age, to enable pupils to take advantage of educational facilities without hardship to themselves or their parents;
(j)expenditure which is offset by income received as central government grant in support of specific expenditure;
(k)that part of the expenditure on heads or items not offset by such grant where part of the expenditure on those heads or items is so offset;
(l)expenditure on the provision of school meals and milk which is offset by income received in respect of such provision;
(m)expenditure on the provision of school meals and milk which is not so offset;
(n)expenditure in respect of contingencies occurring during the year, and
(o)expenditure on all other items deducted from the authority’s general schools budget in arriving at its aggregated budget.