Expenses raised in sub-districts
17.—(1) Section 68(1) of the principal Act shall be taken to include a power for a board to issue differential special levies in accordance with this regulation.
(2) An order made by a board under the said section 68(1) may determine the proportions of the expenses of the board to be raised in the respective sub-districts within their district.
(3) Where an order made by a board under the said section 68(1) is in force and the order does not determine the proportions of the expenses to be raised in the respective sub-districts in accordance with paragraph (2) of this regulation, the amounts to be raised in each sub-district shall be determined as follows:–
(a)expenses incurred in connection with new works or the maintenance or improvement of existing works in each sub-district shall be raised in that sub-district;
(b)there shall be raised in each sub-district a proportionate part of the charges incurred by the board in respect of contributions under section 84 of the principal Act, or amounts specified under section 86 of that Act as correspond ing to such contributions, and of other expenses and charges not directly attributable to the maintenance of particular works.
(4) Where an order made by the board under section 68(1) of the principal Act is in force, the proportions of the expenses of the board to be raised in a sub-district which shall be raised by means of drainage rates and special levies respectively–
(a)shall be determined, in respect of the financial years beginning in 1990, 1991 and 1992, in accordance with regulation 22;
(b)in respect of the financial year beginning in 1993 and each subsequent financial year, shall be the proportion P : Q, where–
(i)P is the aggregate of the annual values of the annual value properties in the sub-district, and
(ii)Q is the aggregate of the values of the land, other than agricultural land, within the sub-district,
such values to be determined by the board, and to have effect, in respect of each sub-district in the same manner as the values of such land are determined and have effect in respect of a district under regulation 18.