The Caledonian MacBrayne Limited (Gott Bay Pier) Harbour Revision Order 1990


8.  In addition to the byelaws which may be made by the Company under section 83 of the Harbours, Docks, and Piers Clauses Act 1847(1) and otherwise, the Company may, in relation to the pier undertaking, from time to time make such byelaws as it thinks fit with reference to all or any of the following matters:—

(a)for regulating the types of vehicles which may enter or be on the pier premises and the use, placing, loading or unloading, and driving of such vehicles, and giving powers to officers or servants of the Company in relation to such regulation;

(b)the management, control and regulation of the pier premises and of goods, wares and merchandise using or passing over the pier premises;

(c)safety precautions to be observed by persons using or being on the said pier premises.