The Community Charges and Non-Domestic Rating (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 1991
Citation, commencement and interpretation1.
These Regulations may be cited as the Community Chargesand Non-Domestic Rating (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 1991 andshall come into force on 4th May 1991.
In these Regulations—
- “the Administration and Enforcement Regulations” means the Community Charges (Administration and Enforcement)Regulations 19892;
- “the Collection and Enforcement Regulations” means the Non-Domestic Rating (Collection and Enforcement) (LocalLists) Regulations 19893; and
“demand notice”, in relation to a community charge and a rate, shall be construedin accordance with regulation 13(1) of the Administration andEnforcement Regulations and regulation 3(1) of the Collection andEnforcement Regulations, respectively.
Application of Regulations2.
These Regulations do not apply in relation to any demand notice inrespect of a personal or standard community charge or rate demand noticeissued before the coming into force of these Regulations.
Amendment of Regulations3.
Part I of Schedule 1 to the Administration and EnforcementRegulations and Part I of Schedule 1 to the Collection and EnforcementRegulations are amended—
in paragraph 1(2) by the insertion after the word“being” of the words“, subject to sub-paragraph (2A),”; and
Where the demand notice is issued in May, the number ofinstalments may be 10 or the number ascertained in accordance withsub-paragraph (2), as the charging authority determines.”.
These Regulations amend, in identical terms, Part I of Schedule 1 tothe Community Charges (Administrationand Enforcement) Regulations1989 and Part I of Schedule 1 to the Non-Domestic Rating (CollectionandEnforcement) (Local Lists) Regulations 1989.
The effect of the amendments made by regulation 3 is to enable a charging authority which issues a demand notice in respect of a personal or standard community charge or a rate demand notice in the month of May in the year to which the notice relates to require the chargepayer or, as the case may be,the ratepayer to pay the estimated amount of his liability for the yearin 10 monthly instalments. These amendments do not apply in relation todemand notices issued before the date on which these Regulations comeinto force.