Statutory Instruments

1991 No. 1145


The Stock Transfer (Gilt-Edged Securities) (Exempt Transfer)Regulations 1991


15th April 1991

Laid before Parliament

10th May 1991

Coming into force

1st June 1991

Whereas the securities which are the subject of these Regulationsare for the time being specified in the list in Schedule 1 to the StockTransfer Act 1982(1);

And whereas the person issuing such securities has agreed that thesecurities may be transferred through the medium of a computer-basedsystem established by the Bank of England and The International StockExchange:

Now, therefore, the Treasury, in exercise of the powers conferredon them by section 1(1) and (4) of the Stock Transfer Act 1982, and ofall other powers enabling them in that behalf, hereby make the followingRegulations:—


1982 c. 41; Schedule 1 was amended by the Stock Transfer(Specified Securities) Order 1988 (S.I. 1988/231) and by the StockTransfer (Specified Securities) Order 1991 (S.I. 1991/340).