The Broadcasting (Restrictions on the Holding of Licences) Order 1991

Regional Channel 3

3.—(1) In addition to the limits on the holding of licences to provideregional Channel 3 services specified in paragraph 2(1) of Part III ofSchedule 2 to the Act (no person to hold more than two licences forregional Channel 3) and article 4 a person shall not at any time holdtwo licences to provide regional Channel 3 services if each of them isprovided for one of the areas specified in paragraph (3).

(2) The areas specified in paragraph (3) and article 4(2) are areas ofthe United Kingdom in respect of which the Independent TelevisionCommission have determined that a regional Channel 3 service is to beprovided.

(3) The areas referred to in paragraph (1) are—

(a)Central Scotland;

(b)East, West and South Midlands;

(c)East of England;


(e)North-West England;

(f)South and South-East England;

(g)Wales and West of England; and
