The Family Proceedings Rules 1991

Conduct of medical examination

2.23—(1) Every medical examination under rule 2.22 shall be held at the consulting room of the medical inspector or, as the case may be, of one of the medical inspectors appointed to conduct the examination:

  • Provided that the district judge may, on the application of a party, direct that the examination of that party shall be held at the court office or at such other place as the district judge thinks convenient.

(2) Every party presenting himself for examination shall sign, in the presence of the inspector or inspectors, a statement that he is the person referred to as the petitioner or respondent, as the case may be, in the order for the examination, and at the conclusion of the examination the inspector or inspectors shall certify on the statement that it was signed in his or their presence by the person who has been examined.

(3) Every report made in pursuance of rule 2.22 shall be filed and either party shall be entitled to be supplied with a copy on payment of the prescribed fee.

(4) In an undefended cause it shall not be necessary for the inspector or inspectors to attend and give evidence at the trial unless so directed.

(5) In a defended cause, if the report made in pursuance of rule 2.22 is accepted by both parties, notice to that effect shall be given by the parties to the district judge and to the inspector or inspectors not less than seven clear days before the date fixed for the trial; and where such notice is given, it shall not be necessary for the inspector or inspectors to attend and give evidence at the trial.

(6) Where pursuant to paragraphs (4) or (5) the evidence of the inspector or inspectors is not given at the trial, his or their report shall be treated as information furnished to the court by a court expert and be given such weight as the court thinks fit.