The Family Proceedings Rules 1991

Presentation of petition

2.6—(1) A petition may be presented to any divorce county court.

(2) Unless otherwise directed on an application made ex parte, a certificate of the marriage to which the cause relates shall be filed with the petition.

(3) Where a solicitor is acting for a petitioner for divorce or judicial separation, a certificate in Form M3 shall be filed with the petition, unless otherwise directed on an application made ex parte.

(4) Where there is before a divorce county court or the High Court a petition which has not been dismissed or otherwise disposed of by a final order, another petition by the same petitioner in respect of the same marriage shall not be presented without leave granted on an application made in the pending proceedings:

  • Provided that no such leave shall be required where it is proposed, after the expiration of the period of one year from the date of the marriage, to present a petition for divorce alleging such of the facts mentioned in section 1(2) of the Act of 1973 as were alleged in a petition for judicial separation presented before the expiration of that period.

(5) The petition shall be presented by filing it, together with any statement and report required by rule 2.2(2) in the court office, with as many copies of the petition as there are persons to be served and a copy of the statement and report required by rule 2.2(2) for service on the respondent.

(6) CCR Order 3, rule 4(2) (which, as applied by rule 5 of that Order, deals with the filing and service of petitions) shall not apply, but on the filing of the petition the proper officer shall annex to every copy of the petition for service a notice in Form M5 with Form M6 attached and shall also annex to the copy petition for service on a respondent the copy of any statement and report filed pursuant to paragraph (5) of this rule.