The Companies (Forms) (No.2) Regulations 1991

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations prescribe additional annual return forms which differ from those prescribed in the Company (Forms Amendment No. 2 and Company’s Type and Principal Business Activities) Regulations 1990 in that they do not refer to the currently prescribed £25 registration fee. This is to avoid the need to amend the forms every time the registration fee is altered.

These regulations also permit the additional annual return forms to be used for the purpose of notifying certain information and changes, in the same way as the forms prescribed in 1990. The additional annual return forms can be used to notify changes in a company’s directors and secretary (other than the appointment of a new director or secretary) and changes in their particulars. They can be used to notify the place where the register of members is kept and the place where any register of debenture holders or duplicate of such a register is kept, and any change in these places. They can also be used to notify a change in the situation of a company’s registered office. Finally the Regulations also permit particulars of directors to be given in the additional annual return form 363s by giving them in a form 288 annexed to it, in the same way as those particulars may be given in a form 288 annexed to the annual return form 363s which was prescribed in 1990.