Regulation 12


1.  The record required to be kept by or for a person who acquires explosives shall–

(a)identify the person by whom it is made;

(b)be updated as soon as is reasonably practicable after the event that is to be recorded has taken place;

(c)list under the relevant date and in accordance with paragraph 3 those explosives possession of which has been acquired;

(d)list under the relevant date and in accordance with paragraph 3 those explosives possession of which has ceased and indicate whether they were used, destroyed, lost, or transferred to another person;

(e)give the name and address of the person from whom such explosives were acquired, and the address of the place at which they were used, destroyed or lost, or the name and address of the person to whom they were transferred;

(f)give the total number of explosive articles and the total nominal mass of explosive substances not contained in explosive articles or, in the case of such substances in cartridge form, the total number, held after each entry made under sub-paragraphs (c) and (d) of this paragraph.

2.  The record required to be kept by or for a person who keeps explosives shall–

(a)identify the place in respect of which it is made;

(b)list under the relevant date and in accordance with paragraph 3 the incoming and outgoing explosives, including any which have been lost;

(c)give the name and address of the consignor or consignee of the explosives, or indicate that the explosives have been lost;

(d)give the total number of explosive articles and the total nominal mass of explosive substances not contained in explosive articles or, in the case of such substances in cartridge form, the total number, held after each entry made under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph.

3.—(1) In respect of each type of explosive, other than those mentioned in sub-paragraphs (2) and (3) below, there shall be recorded–

(a)the name;

(b)the number of explosive articles of that type or in the case of explosive substances not contained in explosive articles the unit mass and number of units of explosive substance of each type as appropriate and the total nominal mass of each type of explosive substance or, where it is not reasonably practicable to specify the nominal mass of each type of explosive substance, a reasonably accurate estimate of the nominal mass;

(c)a description which enables each explosive article to be distinguished from every other explosive article which is not identical.

(2) In respect of each type of explosive substance–

(a)in cartridge form, there shall be recorded–

(i)the name;

(ii)the nominal diameter and either the nominal mass or length;

(iii)the number of cartridges;

(b)packaged in bulk without being divided into units, there shall be recorded–

(i)the name;

(ii)the number of outer cases;

(iii)the total nominal mass.

(3) In respect of each type of linear fuse, whether detonating or otherwise, there shall be recorded–

(a)the name;

(b)the number of spools of linear fuse or cord of that type;

(c)the length of fuse or cord, or in the case of partially used spools, a reasonably accurate estimate of the length of fuse or cord.