The routes of the slip roads are in the vicinity of Ferncliffe Bridge (over the Leeds and Liverpool Canal) and are as follows:–


A route from the southbound carriageway of the main new trunk road to a point on Ferncliffe Road 20 metres west of the centre point of the Ferncliffe Bridge (marked 1 on the deposited plan).


A route from a point 25 metres south of the centre point of the Ferncliffe Bridge, to the southbound carriageway of the main new trunk road (marked 2 on the deposited plan).


A route from a point on Ferncliffe Road, 186 metres west of the centre point of the Ferncliffe Bridge to the northbound carriageway of the main new trunk road (marked 3 on the deposited plan).


A route from the northbound carriageway of the main new trunk road to a new highway to be constructed at a point on Garden Row, 60 metres from its junction with Ferncliffe Road (marked 4 on the deposited plan).