The Farm Woodland (Variation) Scheme 1991

Statutory Instruments

1991 No. 1631


The Farm Woodland (Variation) Scheme 1991

Approved by both Houses of Parliament


17th July 1991

Coming into force in accordance with paragraph 1(1)

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Secretary of State for Wales, acting jointly in exercise of the powers conferred on them by section 2 of the Farm Land and Rural Development Act 1988(1) and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, with the approval of the Treasury, hereby make the following Scheme of which a draft has been laid before, and approved by resolution of, each House of Parliament:–

Title, commencement and interpretation 1.

(1) This Scheme may be cited as the Farm Woodland (Variation) Scheme 1991 and shall come into force on the day after the day on which it is made.

(2) In this Scheme “the principal Scheme” means the Farm Woodland Scheme 1988(2).


2.  –

(1) Paragraph 4 of this Scheme shall not apply in relation to any application to join the principal Scheme–

(a)as an initial entrant which is received before the date of coming into force of this Scheme, or

(b)as a subsequent entrant by a person who occupies land in respect of which an application to enter the principal Scheme has been approved or received before that date,

and that paragraph shall not affect the operation of the principal Scheme in relation to any such application.

(2) In sub-paragraph (1) above, “initial entrant” and “subsequent entrant” have the meanings assigned to those expressions in the principal Scheme.

Variation of the principal Scheme

3.  The principal Scheme shall be varied in accordance with the following paragraph of this Scheme.

4.  In paragraph 2(1) (interpretation), for the definition of “designated maps” there shall be substituted the following definition:

  • “designated maps” means–


    in relation to England, the 3 volumes of maps numbered 1 to 3, each such volume being marked “volume of maps of less-favoured farming areas in England” and with the number of the volume, dated 20th May 1991, signed and sealed by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and deposited at the offices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food at Nobel House,17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR;


    in relation to Wales, the 2 volumes of maps numbered 1 and 2, both volumes being marked “volume of maps of less-favoured farming areas in Wales” and with the number of the volume, dated 20th May 1991, signed by the Secretary of State for Wales and deposited at the offices of the Welsh Office Agriculture Department at Trawsgoed, Aberystwyth, Dyfed SY23 4HT;


    in relation to Scotland, the 4 maps numbered 1 to 4, each such map being marked “map of less-favoured farming areas in Scotland” and with the number of the map, dated 15th May 1991, signed by the Secretary of State for Scotland and deposited at the offices of the Scottish Office Agriculture and Fisheries Department at Pentland House, 47 Robb’s Loan, Edinburgh EH14 1TW;.

In witness whereof the Official Seal of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is hereunto affixed on 17th July 1991.


John Selwyn Gummer

Minister of Agriculture, Fisheriesand Food


Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Scottish Office

11th July 1991

David Hunt

11th July 1991 Secretary of State for Wales

We approve,

Sydney Chapman

Irvine Patnick

Two of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury

12th July 1991

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Scheme)

This Scheme varies the Farm Woodland Scheme 1988 “the principal Scheme” by extending the areas of land which are treated for the purposes of the principal Scheme as disadvantaged land or severely disadvantaged land. These areas are defined by reference to designated maps, and accord with the list of “less-favoured farming areas” contained in Council Directive 84/169/EEC (OJ No. L82, 26.3.84, p.67) as amended by Commission Decision 91/25/EEC (OJ No. L16, 22.1.91, p.25) (paragraph 4). The maps are available for inspection during normal office hours at the addresses specified in the definition of designated maps. Copies of the maps may also be inspected during normal office hours at any Regional or Divisional Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, at any Divisional Office of the Welsh Office Agriculture Department and at any Area Office of the Scottish Office Agriculture and Fisheries Department.


S.I. 1988/1291.