The Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Order 1991

Prohibition of sale, supply and use of certain feedingstuffs for feeding to animals and poultry

12.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2) below, no person shall—

(a)knowingly sell or supply for feeding to ruminant animals any feedingstuff in which he knows or has reason to suspect any protein which is derived from a ruminant animal has been incorporated;

(b)feed to a ruminant animal any feedingstuff in which he knows or has reason to suspect that any protein which is derived from a ruminant animal has been incorporated;

(c)knowingly sell or supply for feeding to animals or poultry any specified bovine offal or any feedingstuff which he knows or has reason to suspect contains specified bovine offal or protein which is derived from any specified bovine offal; or

(d)feed to an animal or poultry any specified bovine offal or any feedingstuff which he knows or has reason to suspect contains specified bovine offal or protein whichis derived from any specified bovine offal.

(2) The prohibitions in paragraph (1) above shall not apply to the feeding to an animal or poultry of any specified bovine offal or any feedingstuff for research purposes in a research establishment under the authority of a licence issued by a veterinary inspector of the Minister and in accordance with any conditions subject to which the licence is issued, or to the sale or supply to a research establishment for such purposes.