The Sealink (Transfer of Portsmouth Harbour Railway Jetty) Harbour Revision Order 1991

Saving of agreements etc.

7.  All sales, conveyances, leases, grants, assurances, deeds, contracts, bonds, agreements, notices and demands affecting the undertaking of Sealink at the transferred harbour and in force immediately before the day of transfer (other than any lease or deed the parties to which include both Sealink and the Company) shall (in so far as they relate to that undertaking) on and from that day be as binding and of as full force and effect in every respect and may be enforced as fully and effectively against or in favour of the Company as if (except in any case where the Company as agent for Sealink is already a party thereto, or bound thereby or entitled to the benfit thereof) the Company instead of Sealink had been a party thereto or bound thereby or entitled to the benefit thereof.