Pre-deposit consultation

10.—(1) When preparing proposals for a statutory plan or for the alteration or replacement of such a plan under section 13(1), 33(1) or 40(1), and before finally determining the contents of the proposals, the local planning authority shall consult–

(a)the Secretary of State for the Environment and the Secretary of State for Transport, in England, or the Secretary of State for Wales, in Wales;

(b)any other local planning authority for the area covered by the proposals;

(c)any local planning authority for an area adjacent to the area covered by the proposals;

(d)except in the case of structure plan proposals, the council of any parish or community for the area covered by the proposals;

(e)the National Rivers Authority;

(f)the Countryside Commission and the Nature Conservancy Council for England, in England, or the Countryside Council for Wales, in Wales;

(g)the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England, in England.

(2) The local planning authority shall consider any representations made by the consultees before finally determining the contents of the proposals.

(3) The local planning authority shall prepare a statement of any other persons they have consulted when preparing their proposals, in addition to those listed in paragraph (1), and of any steps they have taken to publicise their proposals and to provide persons with an opportunity of making representations in respect of those proposals.