1991 No. 284


The Hereford and Worcester and Shropshire (County Boundaries) Order 1991


Laid before Parliament

Coming into force

for the purposes described in article 1(2)

for all other purposes

The Secretary of State, in exercise of his powers under sections 51(2) and 67(4) of the Local Government Act 19721 and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following Order which gives effect with modifications to proposals submitted to him under sections 47, 48(1) and 51(1) of that Act, more than six weeks before the making of this Order, by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England:

Citation and commencement1


This Order may be cited as the Hereford and Worcester and Shropshire (County Boundaries) Order 1991.


20th March 1991 is hereby specified as the day on which this Order shall come into force for any purpose set out in regulation 4(1) (coming into operation of order) of the Local Government Area Changes Regulations 19762.


For all other purposes, this Order shall come into force on 1st April 1991.


In this Order, “the boundary map” means the map prepared by the Department of the Environment marked “Map of the Hereford and Worcester and Shropshire (County Boundaries) Order 1991” and deposited in accordance with regulation 5 of the Local Government Area Changes Regulations 1976.

Transfer from Hereford and Worcester to Shropshire3

The part of the county of Hereford and Worcester, the district of Wyre Forest and the parish of Upper Arley marked “A1” on the boundary map shall be transferred to–


the county of Shropshire;


the district of Bridgnorth, and the Kinlet ward of that district;


the parish of Kinlet;


the Stottesdon electoral division of Shropshire;


the Bridgnorth petty sessional division;


the South Shropshire Coroner’s district.

Town and county planning4

Any provision of a development plan applying to the area transferred by this Order shall continue to apply thereto notwithstanding the transfer; and after such transfer, any such provision shall, so far as it so applies, be for all purposes deemed to be a provision of a plan of the authority which becomes the appropriate local planning authority for the transferred area as a result of the transfer.

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for the Environment

BlatchParliamentary Under Secretary of State,Department of the Environment

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order makes a minor alteration in the boundary between the counties of Hereford and Worcester and Shropshire affecting, in Hereford and Worcester, the district of Wyre Forest and, in Shropshire, the district of Bridgnorth.

Consequential changes to parishes, local government electoral areas and to petty sessional divisions and Coroners' districts are made.

The map forming part of this note gives a general guide to the area affected. Prints of the detailed boundary map (described in article 2), may be inspected at all reasonable times at the offices of the district councils whose areas are affected by the Order, and may be inspected or purchased at the office of the Secretary of State, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 3EB.

The area transferred is approximately 0.093 hectares and is unpopulated.

The Local Government Area Changes Regulations 1976, mentioned in article 1(2) contain general provisions regarding the effect of orders such as this one.
