Currency conversion8


Where the value of property recovered as described in article 7(1) above is expressed in a currency other than that of the United Kingdom, the extent to which the amount payable under the confiscation order is to be reduced under that paragraph shall be calculated on the basis of the exchange rate prevailing on the date on which the property was recovered in the designated country concerned.


Where an amount of money payable or remaining to be paid under an external confiscation order registered in the High Court under section 97 of the Act is expressed in a currency other than that of the United Kingdom, for the purpose of any action taken in relation to that order under the Act as applied under article 3(2) above the amount shall be converted into the currency of the United Kingdom on the basis of the exchange rate prevailing on the date of registration of the order.


For the purposes of this article a written certificate purporting to be signed by any person acting in his capacity as an officer of any bank in the United Kingdom and stating the exchange rate prevailing on a specified date shall be admissible as evidence of the facts so stated.