The Abortion (Scotland) Regulations 1991

Restriction on disclosure of information

5.  A notice given or any information furnished to the Chief Medical Officer in pursuance of these Regulations shall not be disclosed except that disclosure may be made—

(a)for the purposes of carrying out his duties to an officer of the Department or of the Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service authorised by the Chief Medical Officer of that Department; or

(b)for the purposes of carrying out his duties in relation to offences under the Act or the law relating to abortion, to the Lord Advocate or to the Procurator Fiscal or a member of the staff of either of them authorised by them; or

(c)for the purposes of investigating whether an offence has been committed under the Act or the law relating to abortion, to a police officer not below the rank of superintendent or a person authorised by him; or

(d)pursuant to a court order, for the purposes of court proceedings which have begun; or

(e)for the purposes of bona fide scientific research; or

(f)to the practitioner who terminated the pregnancy; or

(g)to a practitioner, with the consent in writing of the woman whose pregnancy was terminated; or

(h)when requested by the President of the General Medical Council for the purpose of investigating whether there has been serious professional misconduct by a practitioner, to the President of the General Medical Council or a member of its staff authorised by him.