The Social Security (Norway) Order 1991


(1) For the purpose of any claim for maternity allowance made under the legislation of one Party, any insurance period, or period of employment or self-employment completed under the legislation of the other Party shall, in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of this Convention, be treated as if it were respectively an insurance period, or period of employment or self-employment completed under the legislation of the former Party.

(2) Where the legislation of one Party applies to a person in accordance with any of the provisions of Articles 5 to 9 of this Convention, he shall be treated under that legislation for the purpose of any claim to maternity allowance as if he were in the territory of that Party.

(3) Where a person would be entitled to receive maternity allowance or satisfies the contribution conditions governing entitlement to maternity allowance under the legislation of one Party if he were in the territory of that Party he shall be entitled to receive that benefit while he is in the territory of the other Party.