Revocation of approval and recovery of financial assistance

12.  If at any time after the Secretary of State has approved an application or paid financial assistance under these Regulations it appears to him that—

(a)any condition subject to which the approval was given or the financial assistance has been paid has not been complied with, or the targets have not been met; or

(b)any work or facility in respect of expenditure on which financial assistance has been paid has been badly done or provided, or has been or is being unreasonably delayed or is unlikely to be completed; or

(c)the Commission has decided to reduce, suspend or discontinue Community assistance;

(d)the eligible person has—

(i)intentionally obstructed any officer in exercise of his powers under regulation 10; or

(ii)failed to comply with a requirement imposed under regulation 10(1);

(e)the eligible person gave information on any matter relevant to the giving of the approval or the making of the payment which was false or misleading in a material respect,

the Secretary of State may revoke the approval, in whole or in part and, where any financial assistance has been paid, may recover on demand an amount equal to the financial assistance which has been so paid or such part thereof as he may specify; but before revoking an approval or making a demand under the preceding provisions of this regulation, the Secretary of State shall give to any person to whom any such financial assistance would be payable or from whom any such amount would be recoverable a written notification of the reasons for the action proposed to be taken by him.