ACTUARY | FIA | Institute of Actuaries |
ACTUARY (Scotland) | FFA | The Faculty of Actuaries |
CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANT | ACCA | The Chartered Association of Certified Accountants |
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT | ACA | The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales |
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT | ACA | The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland |
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT | CA | The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland |
CHARTERED BIOLOGIST | C.Biol, MIBiol | The Institute of Biology |
CHARTERED BUILDER | MCIOB | The Chartered Institute of Building |
CHARTERED BUILDING SERVICES ENGINEER | MCIBSE | The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers |
CHARTERED BUILDING SURVEYOR | ARICS | The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |
CHARTERED CHEMICAL ENGINEER | MIChemE, MRSC | The Institution of Chemical Engineers |
CHARTERED CHEMIST | C.Chem, MRSC | The Royal Society of Chemistry |
CHARTERED CIVIL ENGINEER | MICE | The Institution of Civil Engineers |
CHARTERED COLOURIST | C.Col. | The Society of Dyers and Colourists |
CHARTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEER | MIEE | The Institution of Electrical Engineers |
CHARTERED ENERGY ENGINEER | MInstE | The Institute of Energy |
CHARTERED ENGINEER | C.Eng | The Engineering Council |
CHARTERED ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER | MIEH | The Institution of Environmental Health Officers |
CHARTERED FORESTER | MICFor | The Institute of Chartered Foresters |
CHARTERED GAS ENGINEER | MIGasE | The Institution of Gas Engineers |
CHARTERED GEOLOGIST | C.Geol, FGS | The Geological Society |
CHARTERED INSURANCE PRACTITIONER (Broking) | ACII | The Chartered Insurance Institute |
CHARTERED INSURER (Insurance underwriting) | ACII | The Chartered Insurance Institute |
CHARTERED LAND SURVEYOR | ARICS | The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |
CHARTERED LOSS ADJUSTER | ACILA | The Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters |
CHARTERED MANUFACTURING ENGINEER | MIMfgE | The Institution of Manufacturing Engineers |
CHARTERED MARINE ENGINEER | MIMarE | The Institute of Marine Engineers |
CHARTERED MARKETER | MCIM | The Chartered Institute of Marketing |
CHARTERED MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL TECHNOLOGIST | MInstMC | The Institute of Measurement and Control |
CHARTERED MECHANICAL ENGINEER | MIMechE | Institution of Mechanical Engineers |
CHARTERED MINERALS SURVEYOR | ARICS | The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |
CHARTERED MINING ENGINEER | MIMinE | The Institution of Mining Engineers |
CHARTERED PSYCHOLOGIST | C.Psychol | The British Psychological Society |
CHARTERED PHYSICIST | C.Phys, MInstP | The Institute of Physics |
CHARTERED PHYSIOTHERAPIST | MCSP | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy |
CHARTERED QUANTITY SURVEYOR | ARICS | The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |
CHARTERED SECRETARY | ACIS | The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators |
CHARTERED SHIPBROKER | MICS | The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers |
CHARTERED STRUCTURAL ENGINEER | MIStructE | The Institution of Structural Surveyors |
CHARTERED SURVEYOR | ARICS | The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |
CHARTERED TOWN PLANNER | MRTPI | The Royal Town Planning nstitute |
CHARTERED VALUATION SURVEYOR | ARICS | The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |
INCORPORATED ENGINEER | I.Eng | The Engineering Council |
PUBLIC FINANCE ACCOUNTANT | CIPFA | The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy |
| MBCS | The British Computer Society |
| ACBSI | The Chartered Building Societies Institute |
| FCIArb | The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators |
| ACIB | The Chartered Institute of Bankers |
| ACMA | The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants |
| AIB (Scot) | The Institute of Bankers in Scotland |
| MIH | The Institute of Housing |
| AFIMA | The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications |
| MIM | The Institute of Metals |
| MIMM | The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy |
| ALA | The Library Association |
| MRAeS | The Royal Aeronautical Society |
| M.Hort (RHS) | The Royal Horticultural Society |
| MRINA | The Royal Institution of Naval Architects |