Scope of Regulations2


These Regulations shall apply to every child who is in the care of alocal authority4 and who is or is proposed to be placed.


Where a child who is to be placed is aged 16 or over regulations 3,6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 shall not apply.


These Regulations shall not apply to the placement of a child foradoption pursuant to the Adoption Act 1976.


Nothing in these Regulations shall require the temporary removal ofa child from the person with whom he is already living and with whom hemay be placed, before a placement decision is made concerning him.


These Regulations shall not apply in a case to the extent that theyare incompatible with any order made by a court under section 34 of theAct (parental contact with children in care etc), or any direction of acourt which has effect under paragraph 16(5) of Schedule 14 to the Act(transitional provision as to directions) in that case.