Review of Children’s Cases Regulations 1991

Citation, commencement and interpretation

1.—(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Review of Children’s CasesRegulations 1991 and shall come into force on 14th October 1991.

(2) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwiserequires–

“the Act” means the Children Act 1989;

“guardian ad litem” means a guardian ad litem appointed pursuant to section 41 of theAct or rules made under section 65 of the Adoption Act 1976(1);

“independent visitor” means an independent visitor appointed under paragraph 17 ofSchedule 2 to the Act;

“responsible authority” means in relation to–


a child who is being looked after by a local authority(2), that authority,


a child who is being provided with accommodation by a voluntaryorganisation otherwise than on behalf of a local authority, thatvoluntary organisation,


a child who is being provided with accommodation in a registeredchildren’s home otherwise than on behalf of a local authority orvoluntary organisation, the person carrying on that home;

(3) Any notice required under these Regulations is to be given inwriting and may be sent by post.

(4) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwiserequires–

(a) any reference to a numbered regulation is to the regulation inthese Regulations bearing that number and any reference in anyregulation to a numbered paragraph is to the paragraph of thatregulation bearing that number;

(b) any reference to a numbered Schedule is to the Schedule to theseRegulations bearing that number.


authority is defined in section 105(1) of the Act asthe council of a county, a metropolitan district, a London Borough orCommon Council of the City of London. Pursuant to section 2 of the LocalAuthority Social Services Act 1970 (c. 42), local authority functionsunder the Children Act 1989 stand referred to the social servicescommittee of a local authority.