

Case records for foster parents and others with whom a child isplaced

13.—(1) An approving authority are to compile (if one is not alreadyestablished) and maintain a record for each foster parent whom they haveapproved under regulation 3 and for each person, not being an approvedfoster parent, with whom a child is placed by them pursuant toregulation 11.

(2) Each record compiled under paragraph (1) is to include copies ofeach of the documents specified in paragraph (3) and the informationspecified in paragraph (4).

(3) The documents referred to in paragraph (2) are as the case maybe—

(a)the notice of approval under regulation 3(6)(a);

(b)the agreement under regulation 3(6)(b) and Schedule 2;

(c)any report of review of approval under regulation 4(3);

(d)any notice of termination of approval under regulation 4(3) or(5);

(e)any agreement specified in regulation 11(3)(b).

(4) The information referred to in paragraph (2) is as the case maybe—

(a)a record of each placement with the foster parent or person, notbeing an approved foster parent, with whom a child is placed pursuant toregulation 11, including the name, age and sex of each child placed, thedates on which each placement began and terminated and the circumstancesof the termination;

(b)the information obtained by the approving authority in relation tothe approval of the foster parent and in relation to any review oftermination of the approval;

(c)the information obtained under regulation 11(3).

(5) An approving authority are to compile a record for each prospectivefoster parent to whom notice is given under regulation 3(7) that he isnot approved as a foster parent, the record to include a copy of thenotice and the information, as to the foster parent and his householdand family, obtained by the authority in connection with the question ofapproval.