Regulation 3(4)(b)


1.  His age, health (supported by a medical report), personality andmarital status (including any previous marriage).

2.  Particulars of the other adult members of his household.

3.  Particulars of the children in his family, whether or not members ofhis household, and any other children in his household.

4.  Particulars of his accommodation.

5.  His religious persuasion, the degee of his religious observance andhis capacity to care for a child from any particular religiouspersuasion.

6.  His racial origin, his cultural and linguistic background and hiscapacity to care for a child from any particular origin or cultural orlinguistic background.

7.  His past and present employment or occupation, his standard ofliving and leisure activities and interests.

8.  His previous experience of caring for his own and other children andhis ability in this respect.

9.  (If any, and subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974(1)) his previous criminal convictions and those of otheradult members of his household.

10.  The outcome of any request or application made by him or any othermember of his household to foster or adopt children or for registrationunder section 71 of the Act or any previous enactment of that section.

11.  Particulars of any previous approval under regulation 3, or refusalof approval or termination of approval under regulation 4, relating tohim or any other member of his household.

Regulation 3(6)(b)


1.  The amount of support and training to be given to the fosterparent.

2.  The procedure for the review of approval of a foster parent.

3.  The procedure in connection with the placement of foster children,and in particular—

(a)the matters to be covered in foster placement agreements and therespective obligations, under any such agreements, of the responsibleauthority and the foster parent;

(b)the authority’s arrangements for meeting any legal liabilities ofthe foster parent arising by reason of a placement; and

(c)the procedure available to foster parents for makingrepresentations to the local authority in whose area that child isplaced.

4.  To give written notice to the authority forthwith, with fullparticulars, of—

(a)any intended change of his address;

(b)any change in the composition of his household;

(c)any other change in his personal circumstances and any other eventaffecting either his capacity to care for any child placed or thesuitability of his household; and

(d)any further request or application of a kind mentioned in paragraph10 of Schedule 1.

5.  Not to administer corporal punishment to any child placed with him.

6.  To ensure that any information relating to a child placed with him,to the child’s family or to any other person, which has been given tohim in confidence in connection with a placement is kept confidentialand is not disclosed to any person without the consent of theresponsible authority.

7.  To comply with the terms of any foster placement agreement, to carefor the child placed with the foster parent as if he were a member ofthe foster parent’s family and to promote his welfare having regard tothe responsible authority’s long and short-term arrangements for thechild.

8.  To notify the responsible authority immediately of any seriousillness of the child or of any other serious occurrence affecting thechild.

9.  Where regulation 7(1) or (2) applies, to allow the child to beremoved from the foster parent’s home by the responsible authority or(as the case may be) the area authority.

Regulation 5(6)


1.  The provision by the responsible authority of a statement containingall the information which the authority considers necessary to enablethe foster parent to care for the child and, in particular, informationas to—

(a)the authority’s arrangements for the child and the objectives ofthe placement;

(b)the child’s personal history, religious persuasion and cultural andlinguistic background and racial origin;

(c)the child’s state of health and need for health care andsurveillance; and

(d)the child’s educational needs

including a requirement for the statement to be provided either atthe time of the signing of the agreement or, where this is notpracticable, within the following 14 days.

2.  The responsible authority’s arrangements for the financial supportof the child during the placement.

3.  Any arrangements for delegation of responsibility for consent to themedical or dental examination or treatment of the child.

4.  The circumstances in which it is necessary to obtain in advance theapproval of the responsible authority for the child to live, eventemporarily, away from the foster parent’s home.

5.  The arrangements for visits to the child, in connection with thesupervision of the placement, by the person authorised by or on behalfof the responsible authority or area authority and the frequency ofvisits and reviews under the Review of Children’s Cases Regulations1991(2).

6.  The arrangements for the child to have contact with his parents andother persons, including any arrangements in pursuance of section 34 ofthe Act (parental contact etc. for children in the care of localauthority) in relation to a child in care, or any contact order (asdefined in section 8(1) of the Act).

7.  Compliance by the foster parent with the terms of the agreement setout in Schedule 2.

8.  Cooperation by the foster parent with any arrangements made by theresponsible authority for the child.