
The Housing (Preservation of Right to Buy) Regulations 19895, are amended in both paragraph 47 of Part I of Schedule 1 (modification to Schedule 4 to the Housing Act 1985 where the right to buy is preserved) and Schedule 2, where it sets out the provision of paragraph 7(4) of Schedule 4 as it applies where the right to buy is preserved, by—



  • “the Countryside Commission for Scotland”,

  • “the Highlands and Islands Development Board”,

  • “the Nature Conservancy Council”; and


inserting at the appropriate places—

  • “a National Health Service trust constituted under section 5 of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990”6,
  • “the Countryside Council for Wales”,

  • “Highlands and Islands Enterprise”,

  • “the National Rivers Authority”,

  • “the Nature Conservancy Council for England”,

  • “Scottish Natural Heritage”.