The Lifting Plant and Equipment (Records of Test and Examination etc.) Regulations 1992

5.  Details of any defect found (especially in the following—

(a)enclosure or hoistway or liftway;

(b)landing gates and cage gate(s);

(c)interlocks on the landing gates and cage gate(s);

(d)other gate fastenings;

(e)cage or platform and fittings, cage guides, buffers, interior of the hoistway or liftway;

(f)over-running devices;

(g)suspension ropes or chains, and their attachments;

(h)safety gear, ie arrangements for preventing fall of platforms or cage;


(j)worm or spur gearing;

(k)other electrical equipment;

(l)other parts); and

where appropriate, a statement of the time by when each defect shall be rectified.