Regulation 3


MatterNew FeeOld Fee(1)

1.  Fee for crop inspection in respect of crops for which an application has been made for classification as—

(a)VTSC class per half—hectare or part thereof


Minimum fee


(b)SE class per half—hectare or part thereof


(c)E class per half—hectare or part thereof


Provided that, if the application for entry of crops is withdrawn before the arrival of an inspector for the purpose of inspecting the crop for the first time, the fee paid will be refunded to the applicant subject to payment of a reduced fee of £1.50 per half—hectare to cover administration costs.

2.  Fee for scientific testing of any one sample taken from a crop in respect of which an application has been made for classification.


3.  Fee for provisions of seals and labels including official examination—all calleses per tonne or part thereof—

(a)Labels without tie–:holes


(b)Labels with tie—holes and seals;


Provided that, if labels are returned unused, the fee paid may be refunded subject to a payment of a reduced fee of £1.00 per tonne to cover administrative costs.


The fees in italics are the fees which were payable immediately before the coming into force of these Regulations.