The Gaming Act (Variation of Monetary Limits) (No. 4) Order 1992

Article 2


Provisions of section 34 referring to maximum sumsMatter to which sum relatesPrevious sumNew sum
Subsection (3)Entitlement to prizes or tokens:
paragraph (a)money prize£2.40£3
paragraph (b)non-monetary prize£4.80£6
paragraph (c)money prize with£2.40£3
non-monetary prize£4.80£6
Subsection (4)Further games by automatic action:
paragraph (a)money prize£2.40£3
Subsection (8)Exchange value of non-monetary prizes:
paragraph (a)value of prizes£4.80£6
paragraph (b)value of prizes£4.80 (in two places)£6 (in two places)