(This is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations amend the Registration of Births and Deaths Regulations 1987 (“the Principal Regulations”) and also the Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages Regulations 1968 (“the 1968 Regulations”).

Regulation 3 amends regulation 3 of the principal Regulations by providing that the registrar shall, before commencing registration, prepare the draft of particulars to be entered in the register, either on an approved form or on a computer if he has one. This provision applies whether or not registration is in the presence of a qualified informant.

Regulation 4 makes a consequential amendment to regulation 11 of the principal Regulations by providing that the draft of the particulars prepared in accordance with regulation 3 of the principal Regulations shall be in the form of an approved form or a computer print. It also removes the need for the informant to initial any correction made to the draft of the particulars supplied by him, by deleting sub—paragraph (b) of the paragraph (2).

Regulation 5 makes a consequential amendment to regulation 69 of the principal Regulations by providing in sub—paragraph (c) of paragraph (1) and in paragraph (2) that the information of particulars furnished shall be entered on a form or on a computer.

Regulation 6 makes consequential amendments to regulation 70 of the principal Regulations.

Regulation 7 inserts a new regulation 70A in the principal Regulations to enable the registrar to trans ffimit drafts of the particulars referred to in regulations 3, 11, 69 and 70, (which are to be sent to the Registrar General) either on approved forms or, if prepared on a computer, on a disk or via a telephonic link.

Regulation 8 amends regulation 5(b) of the 1968 Regulations to enable a superintendent registrar to hold office as a deputy superintendent registrar.