The Excise Goods (Holding, Movement, Warehousing and REDS) Regulations 1992

Explanatory Note

(This Note is not part of the Regulations)

Purpose of the Regulations

These Regulations enable United Kingdom exporters and importers to continue with intra-Community trade in excise goods from 1 January 1993. The Regulations, which give effect to Council Directive 92/12/EEC, have been designed to permit the free movement of excise goods with no customs formalities at frontiers. Systems and procedures are established to facilitate trade to the greatest possible extent commensu rate with effective revenue control.

Content of the Regulations

Regulations 4 to 6 establish excise duty points (the time when duty becomes payable); identify the person or persons liable to pay; and set out the time and method of payment.

Regulations 7 to 11 deal with the arrangements for storing goods in excise warehouses and for transporting excise goods throughout the Community.

Regulations 12 to 14 provide for a new type of trader (registered excise dealers and shippers—REDS) for handling the small percentage of excise goods traded outside the United Kingdom warehousing system.

Regulation 15 provides for those importers who, without using the services of warehousekeepers or REDS, may themselves wish occasionally to import Community excise goods.

Regulation 16 provides for forfeiture of excise goods (on which duty has not been paid) in the event of a breach of the terms or conditions of the Regulations.