The Utilities Supply and Works Contracts Regulations 1992

Official Journal notices

28.—(1) Any notice required by these Regulations to be sent to the Official Journal shall be sent by the most appropriate means to the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities(1).

(2) The utility shall retain evidence of the date of despatch to the Official Journal of each notice.

(3) The utility may in exceptional cases request that a contract notice be published within 5 days of the date of despatch, provided that it is sent by electronic mail, telex or facsimile(2).

(4) The utility may publish the information contained in a contract notice in such other way as it thinks fit but it shall not do so until the notice has been despatched in accordance with paragraph (1) above and shall not publish any information other than that contained in the notice.


The address for the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities is 2 rue Mercier, L-2985, Luxembourg, tel 499 28-1, telex 1324 PUBOF LU, fax 49 00 03, 49 57 19.


The Office for the Official Publications is required by article 19(3) of Council Directive 90/531/EEC (OJ No. L297, 29.10.90, p.1) to publish notices within 12 days of the date of despatch, and to endeavour to publish contract notices within 5 days of the date of despatch in response to a request pursuant to this paragraph.